Category "ios15"

Intermittent HTML select freezes on Safari in iOS 15 onwards

We have a single page app written in HTML/Javascript and our customers are experiencing intermittent freezes when using HTML select drop downs on Safari on iPad

Create a share sheet in iOS 15 with swiftUI

I am trying to create a share sheet to share a Text, it was working fine in iOS 14 but in iOS 15 it tells me that "'windows' was deprecated in iOS 15.0: Use UIW

How to enable iOS time-sensitive notifications switch in app settings?

I am working on changing types of notifications in my app to time-sensitive and active on iOS 15+. I noticed that if I go to iPhone settings -> Notifications

iOS Observe Call State Logs via heard daemon (accessibility service)

I am doing some iPhone automation and want to observe call states of ongoing calls. I implemented a listener to read the idevicesyslog and fetch log output of c

Why is my HLS stream infinitely loading on iOS 15 safari but works fine on iOS 14?

So I have a small website that shows different streams from web cameras around the city. (ex: The stream ca

Transparent TabBar when popping Child NavigationView iOS 15

I have a SwiftUI application with a TabBar. If I open a detail child view from a NavigationView, and then click on "Back", the TabBar would become transparent,

Xcode 13 Warning - [NSKeyedUnarchiver validateAllowedClass:forKey:]

I am using File Storage system for saving some data models confirming to Codable Protocol. My Save function is as below: func save<T: Encodable>(value: T,

Standalone PWA shows ◀Untitled instead of actual PWA name?

On iPhone running iOS 15.4.1, there seems to be an issue, where the back button to our PWA shows “◀Untitled” and not the actual PWA’s na

iOS 15 Navigation Bar Transparent

My iOS app uses the storyboard for the UI and uses a custom tint for the background color of the navigation bar. I have tested my app on the Xcode 13 beta 5 and

ToolbarItemGroup in .toolbar {} doesn't work in a Sheet

I'm using SwiftUI 3.0, Swift 5.5 and Xcode 13.2, tested on iOS 15.3 iPhone device, and iOS 15.2 iPhone simulator. I have tested the following. This is a view, w

thin line on top of tab bar not removed in iOS 15

Tried using below code in iOS 15, but the thin line on top of tabbar is not removed but below code works in iOS 13, iOS 14 let appearance = UITabBarAppearance()

iOS 15 Untrusted Developer issue

I have updated recently to a new iOS 15 and after I built and run my application in Xcode, while have been logged in with a same developer account as before iOS

UITableView content stuck under UINavigationBar, maybe caused by scrollEdgeAppearance?

I've made hundreds of table view controllers over the last decade and I don't know why this is happening. The content of my UITableView is stuck under my UINavi

Self sizing collection view enters a recursive loop in iOS 15

I have a self sizing collection view and when I call super.layoutSubviews my app crashes since the collection view enters a recursive update loop. This was work

iOS 15 UICollectionView issue for UICollectionViewRecursion

The application is working fine till Xcode 12 and iOS 14 but as soon as I upgraded to Xcode 13 / iOS 15 my application stoped working with below error log 2021-