Category "laravel"

How to set the default value of Date Range Picker to null

I am using Laravel framework. I want to create a date range filter using ajax. but I have a problem with the daterangepicker that I use this is my view this is

Send header in get request using Laravel Http Client

I want to send Header using Http Client in get() method, let me share my code with you. Http::get('')->withHeader(

Forcing ignore validation for string Primary Key not working in Laravel 8 to update data

i need a help with my laravel app. i have a table with this structure: Schema::create('kliens', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string('Kli

Adding shipping rate to checkout session results in "invalid array" exception

I am creating a checkout session where I want to add shipping rate which I've created in Stripe Dashboard. This is my code: $charge = $stripeClient->checkout

Docker Laravel - could not be opened in append mode: failed to open stream: Permission denied

Have been trying to fix this error for almost an entire day now and have no idea what is possibly causing this issue. The error I get is: UnexpectedValueExcepti

Vue js render with different request

I am making an App with vue js and laravel using API,i am getting original data , but there is an optional parameter that i want to insert in the query to rende

Why opened page with AdminLTE looks broken?

I make site In laravel 9 with Inertiajs/vuejs 3 based on 3 (dark mode). I removed all jquery and use vuejs only. it works

Autheticate via Laravel Sanctum by passing token as a GET query parameter

I know the dangers of passing the token as a GET parameter. I've seen this and this. However, in my case there is no other way because the route will get called

RedisException php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution

I have Redis and php-redis extension installed but whenever I wanna use a queue in Laravel I just get the error below RedisException php_network_getaddresses: g

Laravel Sail after cloning from Git repository

I currently have my own Laravel application running on Docker using Laravel sail on Windows 11 using Ubuntu on WSL2. This works fine and as intended. I've pushe

unisharp laravel-filemanager Thumbnail url

Hi I'm using unisharp laravel-filemanager for user to upload their products photos when the image uploaded this address will save in database /photos/44/606074

Variable undefined error in laravel blade component view

Component InputError.php <?php namespace App\View\Components; use Illuminate\View\Component; class InputError extends Component { /** * Create a

InvalidArgumentException View [] not found. Larave-8 LliveWire-2

When I change app.blade.php to base.blade.php I am having the following error. InvalidArgumentException View [] not found. (View: D:\Code\my-app\ven

Valet is not working with php.8 Nginx return Bad Gateway

Hi I have try to update php to 8.0 but always there a problem with valet to read the new version and I try to solve it without specific instructions but this ti

While creating model with factory, migration and resource controller for api inside new repository, conflict encounters in migration as below:

Used Command: make:model Models/Test/TestApi -a Error: root@bb3433d4a92b:/var/www/nt-app-backend# php artisan make:model Models/Test/TestApi -a Model created su

PHP foreach loop on unknown depth multidimensional array

I have a multidimensional array consisting of a directory structure or a tree if you want, but how can I loop through this data when I don't know the depth of t

ChartJS Tooltip

I am using ChartJS on my project, I followed the integration as indicated on the ChartJS website. My problem is the following My error. I tried several things

Vue 3 Axios post call works but v-model lags a step behind?

I am using Vue.js 3, Laravel and Axios to make a simple post call: processFilters() { self = this; let tags = self.checkedTags.

When the file selected for upload, livewire component is automatically rendering

Is there any possibility to stop Livewire rendering on each click event? Actualy The issue is, if any event triggered from HTML or Javascript, then the render f

How to implement integration with a third-party API for example for a CRM system?

For example, I'm writing my CRM system in Laravel. This CRM system will collect orders from various online stores and marketplaces. One of the marketplaces prov