Category "laravel"

When the file selected for upload, livewire component is automatically rendering

Is there any possibility to stop Livewire rendering on each click event? Actualy The issue is, if any event triggered from HTML or Javascript, then the render f

How to implement integration with a third-party API for example for a CRM system?

For example, I'm writing my CRM system in Laravel. This CRM system will collect orders from various online stores and marketplaces. One of the marketplaces prov

Do i have to put a foreign key relation to any column in a table with relation with another table? larvavel 8, Sql

I have multiple tables, and some do have columns which are related but I am not certain if I have to put the foreign key relations to all columns which are rela

Cannot connect to laravel-websocket CORS issue

I deployed my laravel application in GCP. I also set up SSL on my application It was working fine connecting to the pusher server. Then I s

how add image upload in TinyMCeditor laravel

i'm trying to upload images in between my blog content but when i select images from the gallery its shoes the error Route[/] not found, even though the route i

How to call the increment/decrement function on a nullable field | Laravel | increment | decrement function

I have an integer field, and the default value of the field is null. Migration Schema::table('servers', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->unsignedInt

Cron job not working in Elastic Beanstalk

I have deployed a laravel application in Elastic Beanstalk with Load Balancing. I have to backup my database daily and store it in s3 bucket so I am using Larav

What causes the data validation error in this Laravel API? [duplicate]

I am working on a registration form with Laravel 8 and Vue 3. The back-end is an API. In the users table migration file I have: class CreateUs

Laravel validation to make sure 2 values are not present at same time

I need to validate a request where if field1 is present, then field2 should be empty and vice versa. How can i achieve this in Laravel?

How can I access parent scope in laravel lighthouse relationship?

Laravel lighthouse doesn't access relationship scope like eloquent. class Tenant extends Model { public function products(): HasMany

How to include model attribute automatically?

I have the User model which define the following attribute: public function getAvatarUrlAttribute() { return '' . $this->

I can not found blade from resources. But website working

@section('contents') <app-employee-list></app-employee-list> @endsection How I can get the full html structure form this? I can not found full code.

Laravel - Get current .env() Value

I am working on a Laravel project. I often change the database connection between Mysql and Sqlite during development. In a php artisan Laravel command I have a

How to show monthly wise data in Laravel 8

I've posted about this three times and hopefully someone will help me with a solution. I have a lot of data in my database that the user has created. Suppose I

Cannot install laravel oci8

the composer require yajra/laravel-oci8:^8 command is giving me the following error: C:\Users\yö\PhpstormProjects\BRP>composer require yajra/laravel-oci

stop "npm install" at [..................] | idealTree:regal: sill idealTree buildDeps

when I try to run npm install it stop at this error [..................] | idealTree:regal: sill idealTree buildDeps I have tried for fix it for a long time

I cant migrate database - Homestead

When i type php artisan migrate from my pc it throws an error. 1 D:\xampp\htdocs\cms\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connectors\Connector.php

how to hide results from database until the seacrh is complete in Laravel?

i am making a search for the website so the user can search for results from database everything is working fine but how can i hide results until the user compl

Laravel efficient way to remove X records if there are duplicates

I'm trying to write a query to be able to find duplicate records based on a column called hash and remove all but the 5 newest records, I figured I could use th

I have project created by laravel 8 ,and i use JWT for my API ,now i can't install pusher because of JWT version

Someone can help me to fix this conflict Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - tymon/jwt-auth is locked to vers