Category "ipfs"

Why MongoDB saves Hash value in different format?

I am learning IPFS and trying to save IPFS file info in MongoDB. After uploading, I get one hash value ex: {fileHash: CID(QmbCaWPi9tSqcnykvBUMaH2M1d5PiVPLEfPwhJ

IPFS Pinata service not accepting file

I have a code as shown below that uploads files from the browser and saves in the server, once it has been saved to the server, I want the server to connect to

Is it possible to host Node JS applications to IPFS? Possibly through Fleek?

Is it possible to host Node JS applications to IPFS? Possibly through Fleek? I know it's possible to host React JS app on IPFSA Using Fleek, but is it possible

OrbitDB can't replicate database on different peer

I have forced with problem in my p2p database orbitdb. Everything works fine while I did not move the database to another server. const ipfsOptions = { repo

list all token IDs by owner at ERC721

I have a simple ERC721 smart contract used for testing purposes, I was wondering if it is possible to query the token IDs a specific wallet owns in that smart c

Pinning directory through Pinata API with python

I am trying to use pinata's API to pin a whole directory, as it is specified in their API documentation. I found some python implementation as well, but that st

How to find MIME type of IPFS (no extension given) using Javascript?

If I have an IPFS CID address (with no extension), of a file like this for instance ,

How can I connect IPFS with infura when uploading data?

I'm creating an NFT marketplace using hardhat, solidity & Next js, I have a form from where I enter some specific information about the NFT, then by clickin

ERC721 NFT not showing in opensea (related to the metadata)

I was creating the DApp and succeeded to mint NFT in Rinkeby using IPFS (pinata) & Nethereum (C#). Now, I can get TokenURI using tokenURI function in ERC721

IPFS: Duplicate Pinning- Pin a file in two different locations?

I'm currently using Filebase - a paid IPFS pinning service - to pin my IPFS files. Filebase are still in beta, so the prices are low but could rise in the futur

Using Truffle-React + IPFS dependency issue

Hooking up IPFS to my Truffle React project is causing me issues. I'm getting a dependency error (I'm thinking that's what's going on) that I can't find anythi

Why do openSea fetching data from IPFS all of a sudden?

This the validation json I got for my nft toke 34 HTTP 200 OK Allow: GET, OPTIONS Content-Type: application/json Vary: Accept { "valid": true, "token_u

Error: ipfs configuration file already exists

I already install ipfs via go ipfs. and I don't know why I encounter an error when I want to run "ipfs init " in my Terminal. could anyone help me to figure ou

I get CORS error when I try to access metadata stored on IPFS

I am trying to fetch the metadata I stored on using axios, but each time I get this error: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'ipfs://bafyreib6hf354pwtnwx

How can one list all of the currently pinned files for an IPFS instance?

According to , running the command ipfs add hello.txt apparently "pins" the file "hello.txt", yet why don't I see

How to check that an ipfs hash is an image/video/.. in React Js?

I need to use the ipfs hash to find out whether the file is an image or a video so that i can use it to either show the image/play the video. Couldn't find any

Uploading metadata to IPFS using Pinata API for NFTs

I'm having an issue uploading my metadata to Pinata via their API. I've tried it in a test file and it works perfectly, but in my larger file, it's throwing an