I created a Symfony environment with Docker. I then included this file in my web project (skeleton website). But when I try to access my base.html.twig page loc
I've an User entity and EasyAdmin (EA) UserCrudController for manage to them. The User entity has active boolean field. And I want that field will be disabled f
I have a delete button which is created here: _delete_form.html.twig <form method="post" action="{{ path('finals_delete', {'id': final.id}) }}" onsubmit="ret
[ Environment: symfony (PHP), twig files with HTML/JS code, and Managing assets with Webpack ] Files Tree _assets |__js |__file.js |__library |_
I need help figuring out what's wrong. I want to install phpmyadmin on a server to import a wordpress DB but when I install it I have a problem with php-twig I
I have a content type "Awards" that has data structured as below: I want to group this data as below: Want to group them on a "State" basis. So when I click on
Is it possible (and how) to automatically include specific macro files into every twig file by using PHP (not Twig lang). Example: I got the file select2 wh
I am trying to include <link href="{{ asset('css/mystyle.css') }}" rel="stylesheet"/> in my twig file and render it. But it gives me Uncaught P
I am using the random function in twig and it is randomizing the images I need but it is repeating the logos. How can I make it so that the images are not repea
I've been searching the internet for this, but I can't find anything regarding this. I'm creating a simple twig template that is going to be used on multiple l
How to check if variable is a number, integer or float? I can't find anything about this. Making project in Symfony 3.
To validate a form I am using a standard: {{ form_widget(form.save, {'attr': {'class': 'btn btn-sm btn-danger'}, 'label': 'Submit form'}) }} I want to insert
When testing my Symfony 2.8 based webpage with Google PageSpeed Insights I am getting warned, that the HTML code is not minified. This is true, while Assetic
Twig uses the {{ }}, {% %}, {# #} delimiters. But how can I display {{ }} in a Twig template? I'm not talking about HTML escaping. I ask the question as I wan