Category "jakarta-ee"

Where are all the javax jars?

Edit: several fellow SOers have recommended just going to Maven repos, which of course have nothing to do with using Maven as part of one's build. I understand

wsimport fail with maven

I'm trying to create an ssl webservice client using maven and netbeans(7.2). The webservice is perfectly working and I test it using an ant project. When I try

wsimport fail with maven

I'm trying to create an ssl webservice client using maven and netbeans(7.2). The webservice is perfectly working and I test it using an ant project. When I try

DERBY SQL error: ERRORCODE: 40000, SQLSTATE: XJ041, SQLERRMC: Failed to create database 'sun-appserv-samples'

I'm following the first cup tutorial, but I'm stuck at the end of chapter 4 with this exception: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Ca

WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type Customer with qualifiers @Default

I'm a Java EE-newbie. I want to test JSF and therefore made a simple program but can not deploy it. I get the following error message: cannot Deploy onlineshop

Arquillian and TimerService

So I have an EJB that has a @Schedule annotated method, and I want to test it using arquillian, what I can easily do invoking the method directly, but because t

JPA, get all elements

I'm using JPA and I get all elements from DB in this code: factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME); EntityManager em = factory

How to force jboss to load classes from jars in webapp's lib

I am trying to deploy my web application on jboss-6.0.0Final, which is currently deployed on apache tomcat. I have two jars one that contains same package which