Category "jasperserver"

How to change data source of report in jasper server using rest service

I am new to Jasper Server. I have successfully created a simple report and pushed it to server and I am able to run it through rest service using postman. Now m

Jasper report : invalid path for subreport

I have 2 jasperserver, I exported the report from the first one and imported them on the second one. But when i tried to edit my report using rest service, I ha

JasperReports Server 8.0.0 Deployed on Tomcat CORS Errors

When calling any of the REST web services from my Angular front-end application (or via cURL), I receive a CORS error in the console window. Access to XMLHttpRe

I am getting an error during JasperReport Server Installation

I am trying to install JasperReport Server Community v8.0.0 on a vm windows server 2019 in Azure. The installation process fails with the following error messag

Jasperserver report execution service with collection parameter

I have some trouble generating jasper report when i try to pass more than on value to a collection type parameter in my request body. In my rapport my parameter