Category "java-stream"

How can I make stream with fixed arguments along with varargs? [duplicate]

Let's say we have the following method. void some(int id, int... otherIds) { } How can I create a single IntStream with those two arguments?

Java streams collect excel CSV to a list filtering based on the sum of a column

Suppose we have an excel spreadsheet that looks like: StatusCount FirstName LastName ID 1 Tod Mahones 122145 0 Tod Maho

How to map elements to their index using streams?

I get a stream of some custom objects and I would like to create a map Map<Integer, MyObject> with index of each object as key. To give you a simple examp

Count and print unique list items in one chain using Java Streams

I'm trying to achieve this using only functional programming constructs (Streams, Collectors, lambda expressions). Let's say list is a String[]: {"Apple", "Sa

filter objects based on an ID and Date Java

I have a class that for which each instance has a unique Id, a name and update date. ID NAME UPDATE DATE 1200 ANNA* 2022-03-01 1300 JONH* 2022-04-01 1200 ANNA*

Java 8 Streams - How to get an equivalent of partitioningBy() with Integer keys?

In the code shown below, p is a predicate of type Predicate<String>. Map<Boolean, List<String>> partitioned = .collect(Co

How large should my list of objects be to warrant the use of java 8's parallelStream?

I have a list of objects from the database and i want to filter this list using the filter() method of the Stream class. New objects will be added to the databa

Unable to assign the result returned by the Method that receives a generic List and returns a List<?>

I'm trying to filter a List of objects that implements an interface. And I'm trying to create a generic method for all the classes. Something like: interface So

Parallelism with Streams created from Iterators

Experimenting with streams I ran into the following behavior which I don't quite understand. I created a parallel stream from an iterator and I noticed that it

How can I reverse a single String in Java 8 using Lambda and Streams?

I have one string say "Aniruddh" and I want to reverse it using lambdas and streams in Java 8. How can I do it?

How to log a message if a stream is empty within the Stream?

Given the following Java 8 Stream: scheduleService.list().stream() .filter(Schedule::getEnabled) .filter(this::runn

Avoid ConcurrentModificationException on java stream using cache

I'm getting occasionally ConcurrentModificationException with the following code: public Set<MyObject> getTypes(Set<Type> names) { Set<My

How to limit number of parallel executions in ParallelStream?

list.parallelStream().forEach(element -> ...); How can I limit the number of parallel threads nowadays? There was a "hack" in the past to set a System prope

Collect both matching and non-matching in one stream processing?

Is there a way to collect both matching and not matching elements of stream in one processing? Take this example: final List<Integer> numbers =

How to check if list has more then 3 elements using Java8

I have a method that accepts a list of object. I want to iterate through that list and check if the list has more than 3 elements. If it does, I want to throw e

Java stream. Sum two fields in a stream of objects

I have something like this: Integer totalIncome = carDealer.getBrands().stream().mapToInt(brand -> brand.getManufacturer().getIncome()).sum(); Integer total

What is the fastest way to iterate on a stream in Java 8?

If I have a collection and I want to iterate over a filtered stream then I could do either of the following (and many more obtuse options): for(item in collect

Why is a parallel stream slower than a sequential stream?

I have two functions solving the same problem. The first uses a sequential stream, and the second uses a parallel stream. public static int digitalRoot(int n)

How to remove Duplicated elements from a List based on Two properties using Java 8 streams?

I'm trying to figure out how to write a stream in Java 8 that removes duplicate records based on a property and a condition, for example: +----+----------------

How to write a method that takes in a List of Integer, Float, Double and calculate the average?

I am trying to write a method that takes in a list of numeric values - eg List<Integer>, List<Float>, List<Double> etc - and give me the avera