I have a JavaScript error object that I have caught in code. It has a name, message, stack etc that I want to log at the backend. I am using sentry for that. Bu
I know the title is quite confusing, I wasn't sure how to word it better. What I am trying to do is to fetch some items, map through those items to display them
I am working with an svg text element and I need to create separate <text></text> element per character of a particular word, Lorem in this case. Fo
I have a Post Text Item at the end of my text fields. When I click on it, it shows a PopUp, that retrieves a key to insert in one of my tables. It is possible
I have an app written in React with TypeScript and lately after refreshing node modules and the lockfile I am getting this error when trying to run the app: Typ
Link for animation in flatList I want to created just like this in sectionlist but when I apply this all the sections item animate at the same time.
I am attempting to place the script below in Document Actions under "Document Did Save". I'm not sure how to complete the if statements. I would like the script
Registration on the site consists of three stages. The first step is to provide a name, email address. When you submit the form of the first step, you are redir
I'm trying to get a date when I click on a calendar date (change). The doc says there is a event trigger. But can't get it to work. I made a custom Event Listen
Hi I was following uniswapV2 document to perform a trade transaction and I encounter error as follow invalid bignumber value I got my input amount as 2941991120
I am using Pixi.js to spawn some particles on a canvas, but I need the particles to be spawning only for some time (3 seconds). I created a loop function that s
I use these 2 classes : auth.js import React from 'react'; import log from './../components/log/'; const auth = () => { return (
I am working on a project using Webpack, and I happened to notice a parameter in the object called mode. According to the documentation, it has two possible val
The app works fine The only thing is that redux persist is not working as it should.Persist doest not persist anything,it does not give any errors in the consol
In Python I can do something like: a = 1 if x==2 else 2 if x==3 else 3 if ... # Like a SQL CASE statement Is there a similar way to do this in JavaScript? Curr
I'm working on a project where I need to make a dashboard as a homepage like this https://www.grapecity.com/wijmo/demos/reference-samples/DynamicDashboard/angu
I've currently implemented custom markers on the map using the following code: // extend mapboxGL class so we can edit the click function class CustomMarker
I need to filter features by one specific attribute which is same for every layer that I am using. I tried this tutorial https://developers.arcgis.com/javascrip
(Edit : up) First I'm a JS beginner. I need to make a calcul using both input type number and plus/minus buttons linked to it (to replace spinners on smartphone
Is there any way to strip HMTL tag with content in HTML example : const regexForStripHTML = /(<([^>]+)>)/gi const text = "OCEP <sup>®&l