Category "jenkins"

Jenkins - No valid crumb was included in request

Jenkins - 2.263.1(LTS) deployed through tomcat on CentOS-8.2and have Nginx reverse proxy running in-front of Jenkins. Under Manage Jenkins > Configure System

Jenkins P4 Plugin: p4sync failing to sync Unicode files

I'm having trouble with using p4sync in a Jenkins build system. Specifically, our P4 server is unicode-enabled. This is all fine and good, and when I call p4syn

Jenkins active choice options populated with gke cluster namespaces

I am trying to create a Jenkins pipeline with active choice parameter options populated with GKE Cluster namespaces. I can Run a single shell command and get ou

Jenkins build failing without updating Xray with the failed status

Please forgive me if this is not the place to ask this question. I'm running python scripts in a Jenkins pipeline from a Jenkinsfile. I am also updating Jira Xr

Creating Jenkins Process Job DSL. Interface doesn't show DSL Script box

I have installed Jenkins from After creating my user and adding the DSL plugin, when I try to create a DSL script the

Running Groovy in Email Extension Plugin Jenkins

I need to create a url and send a mail from the Jenkins Email Plugin. I simply need the filenames to creat the url. The files are in the workspace itself. After

How to run a 2 Jenkins slaves simultaneously with only one trigger from the job of master

I have a selenium automation project with Maven and I am currently using XML files to run the batches of test cases locally. Now I have a requirement to run the

How to update a file using jenkins job

I have a jenkins Job that create an image and upload to dockerhub. The next step is to deploy a "pod" configuration to k8s. I have the pod.yaml in my giy, but I

Call helpers in a Jenkins Shared Library

I have a Jenkins Shared Library organized like that : +- src | +- main | +- jenkins_shared_library | +- helpers |

diff 2 files and print only difference bash in Jenkins job

I try to diff to 2 file in bash in Jenkins job If i do this in minigw (eg gitbash) all working just fine But if run same command in Jenkins i got all from files

How to integrate Jenkins and Nexus (without maven)

jenkins and nexus are installed in docker containers on the same machine. All guides describe how to do the integration using the maven. But what if I just need

Jenkins Agents "Unable to create live FilePath" and marked offline

Jenkins Controller reports : Unable to create live FilePath for i-xxxxxxxxxxxxx and Agent is marked Offline Googling this error indicates that it is a problem

Build stages in Jenkins only when specific files are changed but use a function

I want to update my Jenkins pipeline in way that certain stages are only build when some specific files are changed (git is already integrated in the pipeline).

Jenkins Remote api error Dashboard Logging ID

I'm a beginner in Jenkins. I'm trying to help my boss with the issue below The Jenkins version is: Jenkins 2.332.2. A problem occurred while processing the req

How to run code review working flow for scripting in Jenkins Jobs?

We are running gerrit review working flow on our product development, But we have no idea to running the same working flow with script of Jenkins jobs. Is there

what does No such DSL method 'readCSV' means in a jenkins pipeline?

I need to read a simple csv file and going through the documentation I found this readCSV method which comes with Jenkins, I have set a sample file named test.c

Run multiple Jenkins jobs from the single Jenkinsfile?

I have two jobs that kind of upload the file to the server. Both jobs are the same except they upload to different remote URLs. Currently, I am using two Jenkin

dockerfile copying folder after a jest test completes

Is there a way to copy test results directory from running container before it shuts down? ... COPY tests tests ... CMD ["yarn", "test"] COPY /home/node/project

Jenkins Installation

When I run the wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo It said use --no-check-certificate and hence I did. On the next

Getting TimeoutException: Message: timeout: Timed out receiving message from renderer: 300.000 only when using Jenkins for Switch Window on Chrome

I'm using different web urls in tabs in one browser, in order to get the required value from one website and add it to the other. I use a robot framework for th