IEEE Std 754-2019: 5.4.1 Arithmetic operations ― formatOf-convertFromInt(int) ― intFormatOf-convertToIntegerXXX(source) Question: why convertFromI
%u0BB5%u0BA3%u0B95%u0BCD%u0B95%u0BAE%u0BCD Above is unicode with hex characters string Need to convert that to readable text When decoded, the above text will r
I am looking into creating PostScript file from a pdf as byte[], to send to printer. I've checked this post and the reply from Dustin seem to be somewhat simila
I am using "(float)$val" for some calculation, but for some decimal value like -0.00000025478625 (float)-0.00000025478625 is resulting to -2.5
For example this code is broken (I've just fixed it in actual code..). uint64_t a = 1 << 60 It can be fixed as, uint64_t a = (uint64_t)1 << 60 but
Hey I created an input field as form control. The input value will be added to a formArray everytime user enters the message. export class AppComponent {
although the same question has been asked multiple times. I dont seem to make it work. I use python 3.8 and I rean an excel file like this df = pd.read_excel(r"
although the same question has been asked multiple times. I dont seem to make it work. I use python 3.8 and I rean an excel file like this df = pd.read_excel(r"
I try to convert my float64 variable into str with : data['Abo_str'] = data['Abo'].isnull().astype(str) But the result is False. How can I do it ? Thx
I'm trying to do dimension reduction, and I got a: d = Dict{Tuple{String, String}, Vector{Float64}} Trying to apply umap on it. While umap can only accepts abs
I am trying to understand overloading resolution in C++ through the books listed here. One such example that i wrote to clear my concepts whose output i am unab
I came to know through this answer that: Signed overflow due to computation is still undefined behavior in C++20 while Signed overflow due to conversion is wel
I'm trying to convert object to string in my dataframe using pandas. Having following data: particulars NWCLG 545627 ASDASD KJKJKJ ASDASD TGS/ASDWWR42045645010
This may seem like a silly question, but after working with R for a couple of months, I realised I often find myself converting strings to factors as, for examp
I am aware that strtol(hexstring, NULL, 16) will convert my string hexstring, which is hexadecimal, to a decimal. Likewise this would be the case in binary in s
I have a uint16_t array and I want to be able to convert it to a string and convert it back. The goal is to save the array with this library and load it back in
I have a query that uses Oracle's MDSYS.ST_GEOMETRY type (link): select mdsys.st_point(1, 2, 26917) from dual Output: [MDSYS.ST_POINT] The query outp
As we can see int has 4 byte in memory, that are 32bits, after applying range formula , we can see range of int -2147483648 to 2147483647. I have calculated the
I use a user-defined type (UDT) in Oracle 18c called ST_GEOMETRY: The ST_Geometry storage type ST_Geometry in Oracle SQL functions used with ST_Geometry I have
I'm curious as why Go doesn't provide a []byte(*string) method. From a performance perspective, wouldn't []byte(string) make a copy of the input argument and ad