Category "join"

Postgres Subquery - How to create ALIAS in object format from subqueries

I am trying to wrap several queries into 1 complex query. Here is the scenario. Given a user_id of 'xxxxx-xx-xxxxx' I have to query for several data points with

How to select all fields from one table that contain a substring from any row in another column

I'm trying to export a dictionary of words in sqlite made up only of words that start with, contain, or end with specific filters. If one filter was 'ment' and

pandas: merge (join) two data frames on multiple columns

I am trying to join two pandas data frames using two columns: new_df = pd.merge(A_df, B_df, how='left', left_on='[A_c1,c2]', right_on = '[B_c1,c2]') but got

Using SQL to join tables with a junction table

I am trying to output data from 2 different tables in my database which are joined by a junction table. Table 1: musician Columns: musicianID, surname, fName

How can I delete rows from table A and table B if rows in table B don't exist

I have 2 tables and I need to delete rows from both tables if A.itemID does not exist in table B I've tried doing : DELETE a,b FROM A a, B b WHERE NOT E

SQL placement join with student, friend, package

Issue: You are given three tables: Students, Friends and Packages. Students contains two columns: ID and Name. Friends contains two columns: ID and Friend_ID

Join the same table temporary table in MySQL

I like to join a temporary table in MySQL which fails, the idea quite simple: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table LIKE any_other_table; -- srsly it does not matt