Category "jquery"

file-upload-with-preview.min.js showing error when uploading a large file

file-upload-with-preview.min.js showing error when uploading a large file (say a file of 30 mb).it is showing error. the ajax call is performing on error funct

Running an if statement inside a querySelectorAll Node List

I am building a blog post layout which requires some metadata to sit on one side and stay in place as the content scrolls, using position: sticky. This works fi

Jquery datatables custom button for export

I have a data table that has 2 buttons, the export for pdf and csv. My colleague asked me if possible, there is only one button in the table and when the user c

How to make "scroll drag area" bigger [closed]

I have a drag and drop table and when I want to drag an element from the top to bottom of the table I have to drag it to the "bottom area" of

Use Product Variants Select in Cart Prestashop

I'm developing a cross sell module that will display products in cart that you can add to cart by clicking the button add to cart. I need to take consideration

How to implement Zurb Foundation to Rails 7?

I'm currently upgrading my rails app to 7. I was just testing it for a while then I have issues on Foundation Rails. I installed it and followed all the steps e

extract text inside <li> tag using java script or jquery

var array1[] ; //i want to store text inside href in a array like this // [cat,dog,cow,hen,elephant] , how can I do that? <div class="ABCD"><h2 c

Retrieve a person column having multiple users...need information on all the options available

How to retrieve a person column having multiple users... need information on all the options available. I need this column information to break inheritance on i

jQuery find changed attribute value after changing it with jQuery

I do not know if what I am doing is the right approach to do it. But what I am trying to do is the following. I have a menu that a user can open and close buy c

Show current page on the menu Jquery

I'd like to change the background color of the current page the user is on. I've tried some code but they don't work. My js code is in a different file and it's

If the condition is false stop the script in JQuery

In the code below, the pop up is appearing but the AJAX part is also getting executed. What I want here is, if the pop-up $('#confirmCloseFutureEvent').modal('s

select all on checkbox is not working using jquery

Clicking on select all of the checkbox only the particular page is selected .not selecting all pages. Here using jquery. Datatable contains 100s of pages and us

jquery modal('hide') method is not working in reactJs

I have a login modal that is toggled by a button with data-toggle and data-target attributes. After doing the authentication, I need to close the modal so I use

Error Using Ajax when I load from a differente file with Django

Im using JaxaScript(Jquery with Ajax) and my HTML Page all in the same file, but when I tried to code my JS and HTML in different files, I get an error when try

jQueryUI Datepicker not displayed properly in Safari browser

Since input type=date is not supported in a few browsers, I am using jquery UI for displaying a datepicker for such browsers. This is my code: if ($('.date

how to add dots(ellipses) in between the pagination numbers in jquery

I have a pre-generated html for the pagination numbers , which basically comes from the backend CMS based on the number of items present the html looks somethin

How to print html code tags in a specific element?

<div class="container"> <pre> <code class="language-html"> <h1>I want to display html tag</h1> <

form data is showing empty after append

$('#submit2').click(e => { e.preventDefault(); var form_data = new FormData(); form_data.append('newKey1', 'newValue1'); form_data.append('newKey

Single CSV column is using multiple columns in HTML table

After a long journey to figure out how to load .csv files into a table I've run into another issue. One of the columns in my .csv file is splitting into other c

Recaptcha onclick event

I want to fire a jQuery event onclick when the user selects the recaptcha checkbox. This is the code I have: <div id="reCaptcha" data-sitekey="XXXXX"><