Category "django-class-based-views"

IntegrityError NOT NULL constraint failed: even though I have already overriden the form_valid?

So I'm trying to create a simple Comment feature for a blog app. In the Class-based views, if you are using a Foreign Key in your model, I know that you have to

Django. How to make ModelChoiceField work with SingleObjectMixin, FormView, and inlineformset_factory?

This shouldn't be hard How to show in a Django Model Form just the related records from Model.B for the user to choose. Ginven that it is provided the Model.A a

How can I display data from django model and save at the same time using class based views?

I am creating a quiz app using Django. The requirements are: I need to first display all the topics available for the quiz on the homepage. Clicking on a partic

django testing class based view

I have a Class based view defined as: class Myview(LoginRequiredMixin, View): def post(): #....... to test this view i tried this class MyViewTes

Reopening a closed django InMemoryFileUpload using class based views

I have a Django project which involves a user uploading a CSV file via a form. I parse this file in the forms clean method, and then in the views form_valid met

Object of type <> is not JSON serializable Django REST Framework

I am trying to create a search function inside my class-based view using Django Rest Framework, but it does not seems to work. when I try to search for some cus

Add extra context to admin index page

In my of my admin dashboard app I added this following code: class MyAdminSite(admin.AdminSite): def index(self, request, extra_context=None):

Django: Search form in Class Based ListView

I am trying to realize a Class Based ListView which displays a selection of a table set. If the site is requested the first time, the dataset should be displaye