Category "jquery"

Ajax post does not give value to php file, post becomes get

I have this ajax function for login. Edit: I just noticed that this server runs php7 while other server where the login does work uses php5. What has changed in

Ajax post does not give value to php file, post becomes get

I have this ajax function for login. Edit: I just noticed that this server runs php7 while other server where the login does work uses php5. What has changed in

Step over , step into and step buttons are disabled in chrome browser (debugging mode)

I am trying to debug java script in chrome. But i see that step over , step into and step buttons are disabled hence i am unable to continue with debugging.

I want to create a simple calculator in jQuery

Basically, I am trying to create a simple calculator in jQuery as I created first in javascript but have some confusion in jQuery functions. First here is my HT

UI changes not persisting in ASP.Net application

I have a table that's hidden by default. When clicking the search button, I'm using jQuery to remove the d-none class and show the table. <input type="submi

How to identify whether website is accessed from same hosted server or different client machine

We have a website hosted in local intranet environment using Python webserver. In that website particular button should only be visible if user is accessing thi

Is there a JavaScript / jQuery DOM change listener?

Essentially I want to have a script execute when the contents of a DIV change. Since the scripts are separate (content script in the Chrome extension & webp

Wordpress Elementor: Expand/Collapse on hover on accordion

I am using wordpress with the elementor add on. Though it provides very sleak accordion which works perfectly on click, I wanted to expand/collapse the accordio

Split string of possibly adjacent elements of unknown length by type in JS

Given a string (actually a svg path) such as: "M72 0v754h405v-86h-311v-211h302v-86h-302v-285h311v-86h-405z" I want to obtain an array where each element is eit

Play sound on hover

I want to play a sound when the cursor hits an image. I tried to use javascript. the <audio>-tag is working, when I say <audio autoplay> the soundfi

Clicking a text is not expanding table

I am having problem in my JS code. I tried much but was unable to solve it. The problem is that i have a dashboard which have multiple pages. We can switch from

How to navigate to specific tab of bootstrap 4 from external link

I want to open a specific tab of bootstrap 4 from external page link . Page 1: nav.html I want to go from this page one to second page <!DOCTYPE html> &

Split long articles into pagination based on Number of lines

I have long articles. Articles are coming from the database. For the easy to read I split the article into pagination. For Pagination I Used Virtual Pagination

414 (Request-URI Too Long)

I am working on MVC platform and I am calling jqGrid using JSON GET. I have read on Request Limits, maxQueryStringLength, maxAllowedContentLength, maximum leng

Value is getting empty after using jquery nice select plugin in angular

I have a form select in reactive form which works fine when no external plugins use. I used jquery nice select plugin and this time i discovered that it's getti

get folder directory from input type file - PHP

just a quick question, mission is to get a folder directory name. example: _C:\ThisFolder\myFolder_. and I've used html input type="file" but I'm only able to

A-frame consitatnly animate gltf to go to position of camera A-frame

I am creating a vr scene using A-frame ( and I am wondering how can I animate a gltf model to always follow the camera. For example, I would l

Automatic file downloads limited to 10 files on Chrome browser

I have a webpage where we generate PDFs based upon the user selection of on-page items. This causes a postback (it's an ASP.NET WebForms page) which creates the

Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as getElementById not find the element?

What are the possible reasons for document.getElementById, $("#id") or any other DOM method / jQuery selector not finding the elements? Example problems include

HttpContext.Request.Form threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' - why?

I have a strange problem. We are using C# for an ASP.NET MVC application, and JavaScript with jQuery and Data Tables for the frontend. In the frontend, a part o