Category "jquery"

Prompt login via saved google account

I know how to integrate "Login via google account" in any website. But in some website like zomato always prompt "login via google" account while opening. It sh

How to get indexOf proper className of targeted element? [closed]

I have an target element which is a SVG which has two properties baseVal and aniVal, So I'm trying to get the proper indexOf the className fro

Swiper slider: slide change to other div

I have created a parallax slider but I have one big problem with changing the slider. I can change the slider when my mouse is inside the blue zone As you coul

How do I fix the POST 405 error for an email form (PHP) hosted on http-server?

I am new to PHP and jQuery. I wanted to test the functionality for the email contact form in PHP that I call from my jQuery file. I have been filling in the det

Bootstrap Select Editable Combobox Hack

How can I let my users add their own options to bootstrap-select? Hello. After spending some time trying to find a simple solution that works with bootstrap 4 s

How to change tag name of all html elements which is selected by class name? dynamically

strong text .my-p{ display: inline; } .my-div {} .my-bold{ font-weight: 900; } <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <

Prevent swiping on mobile screen to trigger the links

I have a dropdown that works on hover on PC and on click on Mobile. I noticed a problem when i use a phone. If i swipe over the submenu links to reach one bello

How to automatically close fancybox 4 popup after x seconds?

I have a web page page.html with this fancybox4 link <a href="link.html" data-fancybox data-type="iframe" data-width="80%" data-height="25%" > I would cl

How to insert price based on checkbox checked

I have a form where I calculate the price based on the checkboxes checked. But I am having trouble as its not updating the final price correctly. I did some jQu

Kendo UI Upload Error not firing when adding an invalid file type

For some reason or another, when I add an invalid file extension the error event isn't happening. Did I overlook something? $(document).ready(() => { I

Scroll to next or previous elements

I have a scroller that contains max 3 elements and has down arrow to go down to next elements and up arrow to go back to previous elements but i'm having troubl

How to save activities for user HTML/JavaScript/jQuery

I made favorite buttons and if user clicks on it, it will save specific favorited item to a different page with LocalStorage. Code works perfectly but now I wan

How Can I make onclick event on a li with pseudo-element ::before

I have created a Timeline using and elements. The result looks like that: I need to click on the second circle and automatically the line that is between f

how to increment the url onclick of button next

I have url for page 1 as on click of button next i need the url updated for page 2 as

How to change color of a select on keypress

I am trying to create a form. I am using a <datalist> tag as well as an <input> tag, so that a user can also type an option or just select an option

How to create two Instances of the Simple Ajax Uploader Dropzone in One Project but in different modals

Two things not working: During Upload Progress Bar is not Working Implementation of this code in two different Bootstrap Modals but working separately and Indep

python service access to ajax call , CORS error

I'm getting lost with this problem, i have a service written in python that i need to access from a web page with an ajax call the python code is as follows: im

Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries (filtered from NaN total entries) In jQuery Datatable

Hi all I am new to jQuery Datatable. I am working on server-side for datatable. Most of things I have figured out but I am stuck on pagination part, currently I

How can I add two each row sum depending on a button click?

So, I'm trying to add two to each row sum depending on whether or not the button is clicked. HTML: <table> <tr> <td> <input type="checkbox"

jQuery not working in vue component when change route

I have an issue with jQuery script files is not working inside vue component but it working outside it, I found a solution to put all script files in script sec