Category "jsf-2"

How to generate and preview a presigned url of a file in jsf?

I am trying to preview any type of file such as image,pdf,doc,odt,xlsx,csv,text etc in my web app using jsf. My flow of code: Generating a presigned url using a

Primefaces 5.1 start ajaxStatus during preRenderView

In primefaces is possible start "ajax status" from a method of a backing beans? I have the following view: <ui:composition xmlns="

URL prefix for JSF/IceFaces application

I have a java/ICE 3.3 application that runs correctly on a jboss server and responds to some url http://jbserver/app I have a second Apache proxy server that se

Get values ​from a checkbox to create PDF

I'm working with dataTable in JSP. I need you to generate a PDF file with the data attached to a document X; I can already generate the PDF, the problem I have

Truncating big text value in p:dataTable and exporting the table with the full text

I am using Primefaces 3.5 with JSF 2 and have a dataTable: <p:dataTable id="dataTable" var="refType" value="#{rtmUiController.listAllRefTypes()}" pag

How to put two jasperReports in one zip file to download?

public String generateReport() { try { final FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); fi

Can I update a JSF component from a JSF backing bean method?

Is there a way to have a JSF Backing bean cause an update of a component on the page? I am not looking to use an ajax component with update attribute to update

How to change axis font in PrimeFaces and Chart.js

I am using PrimeFaces 7, and I am trying to use barchart from Chart.js as follows: Code: <p:barChart widgetVar="cfg" model="#{dashboardBean.barModel}" styl