Category "mongodb"

TypeError: (0 , _expressGraphql2.default) is not a function

Trying to create a server for my application using graphQL server, but keep getting the error below. I have tried debugging with similar issues on this site but

How to display subdocuments on frontend i am using mongodb as the database

This is the front end. I have made some changes you can check out my repo if anyone has any answer to this it'll be great use i think there is there a way to li

mongoDb - How do I delete an object from a nested array

"ProductCategory": [ { "_id": "6246e0d09b16cf549256ed75", "name": "Arduino Boards", "desc": "this is for demo purpose"

mongodb functions from node workers. Cannot read properties of undefined

Trying to save some data into mongodb via node workers. I tested my crud api and that wprks but when I make the call via node worker its coming up undefined. I

How can I filter MongoDB Database from Pymongo in Flask App?

I am trying to query my database passing as a parameter a string. Some days ago it worked, but suddenly it stopped working. Is there something wrong I am missin

How can I filter MongoDB Database from Pymongo in Flask App?

I am trying to query my database passing as a parameter a string. Some days ago it worked, but suddenly it stopped working. Is there something wrong I am missin

MongoDb - WildCard $search slow issue - realm query

I have a MongoDB collection with almost 200.000 documents. Inside each document, I have a "Localizations" object containing the "Keywords" field. Contains data

MongoDB Group by field, count it with condition

I would like to count different hu for a shipment. So I write this query but how I can count different hu group by shipment ? my query : db.eventstranslated.agg

Partition not working in mongodb spark read in java connector

I was trying to read data using MongoDb spark connector, and want to partition the dataset on a key, reading from mongoD standalone instance. I was looking at t

type conversion error while executing mongoDB find

I am following official MongoDB typescript tutorial to convert my javascript app to typescript one. After code conversion i am facing following error: routes/us

How to send form data to MongoDB using Flask

I'm a student and trying to make a simple image uploading API using form data and MongoDB. But I'm having hard time solving errors. I think it's the server side

MongoDB - How to bring age group data

How to bring age group base data from a collection in MongoDB i.e how many people are 0-18, 19-24, 25-34, 35+ [ { "_id": ObjectId("608be7c608c7de2367c8963

How to fix cloudinary error "Must supply api_key"

I'm building an image upload app using multer and cloudinary. I've configured my environment variables properly using dotenv. However, when I try to upload file

can't start mongodb server in ubuntu windows

i just install mongodb on ubuntu windows using sudo apt-get -y install mongodb. after installation was finsished, i want to start using sudo systemctl start mon

Mongoose and MongoDB - Get all countries and users associated with country

So I have a list of posts data that looks like this: [ {user: 'Bob', country: 'USA'} {user: 'Kim', country: 'Mexico'} {user: 'Darren', country: 'Mexico'}

Loading libzstd.dll in C# ASPNet Framework application

I'm upgrading the mongo driver to an ASPNet Framework (4.8) application from 2.7.3 to the latest, 2.15.0. I just use VS to upgrade the nuget packages, nothing

Upadating documents not possible due to lack of atomic operators?

I am trying to update my collection through mongodb shell but unsuscessfully due to this error: "Update document requires atomic operators" db.dogs_main_breed.u

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection.insertOne exception when inserting entry to Javers Mongodb collection

I am able to insert the data to mongodb collection. Same time Javers framework trying to insert the data to jv_snapshots collection. Data insertion to jv_snapsh

Enable Mongo free-monitoring on a AWS EC2 instance?

I'm trying to enable the MongoDB Free Monitoring on an EC2 instance, but I got the error: Unable to get immediate response from the Cloud Monitoring service. W

AfterDeleteEvent from AbstractMongoEventListener is not being triggered when entry is deleted from MongoDb

I have a class that extends AbstractMongoEventListener and overrides onAfterSave and onAfterDelete. The onAfterDelete does not trigger for some reason. The onAf