Category "jsonb"

Add key/value pair to all objects inside a jsonb array in POSTGRES if key does not already exist

I have a table, let's call it my_table with the following structure ID | data ____________ uuid | jsonb The data in the jsonb field is an object structured i

Update date format in jsonb object in postgreSQL

Postgres table have one column as JSONB with below format { "steps": [ { "step": "Building", "status": "Complete", "end_date": "03/08/20

persistence jsonb field to h2 using hibernate

source code I want to use jsonb column type. When I used postgresql there is no problem. But when I use H2 I can not persist my entity. Native sql works but whe

How to use to_jsonb as row_to_jsonb? Where the details about "how much"?

I was testing some queries at pg9.4 in "JSON mode", and now I am checking if pg9.5 will bring all same JSONB functionality... But there are no row_to_jsonb() fu

BigQuery: Best way to handle frequent schema changes?

Our BigQuery schema is heavily nested/repeated and constantly changes. For example, a new page, form, or user-info field to the website would correspond to new