Category "julia"

Route in Genie.jl 404's despite being defined in routes.jl

In Genie, I have the following code in routes.jl: using Genie.Router route("/") do serve_static_file("welcome.html") end I ran the server by typing up(). Ho

Parallelism of Using and include, or at least, faster ways?

I am starting to have a big project and I am currently using and including many of packages and .jl files: a = time() @info "Loading JuMP" using JuMP @info "Loa

Can Julia input Unicode characters in Vscode?

From the Julia command line, typing \pi and pressing Tab gives you $\pi$. Is this possible in vsocde or jupyter? enter image description here

Storing all nonzero elements of a 2-D array via slicing

for extracting all nonzero elemnts of an one dimentional array, we do the following: One_D = [1,4,5,0,0,4,7,0,2,6] One_D[One_D .> 0] How to do a similar thi

Create a generator which returns two values at once in Julia

Given a generator: myVec1 = rand(0:4, 2) myVec2 = rand(0:4, 8) myGen = (val1 + val2 for val1 in myVec1, val2 in myVec2) This is basically a matrix with 2 colu

ModelingToolKit - PDESystem: Boundary conditions and Domain for arbitrary geometry

I am quite new to Julia so I maybe missed the proper documentation. Is it possible to define a PDESystem in ModelingToolKit with symbolic BCs and Domain for arb

GraphPlots - Is there a way to have different colors for edges?

Given GraphPlots doc, we have the following available attributes: function gplot{V, T<:Real}( G::AbstractGraph{V}, locs_x::Vector{T}, locs_y::Vector{

Pluto.jl vs Jupyter Notebook

What is the difference between Pluto.jl and Jupyter Notebooks? How do I decide which I should prefer for teaching students? Is there a performance difference? I

length of the shortest path to all other nodes

I have a network's data in tabular form (like in the screenshot) and would like to implement the Bellman-Ford algorithm on that. Every existing code for this is

how can I modify the content of GtkListStore inside a Composed Widgets after its initialisiation in julia?

I want to use GTK in a Julia program to display a list of properties that changes over time. I am now to both GTK and Julia I tried to combine the tutorial for

What is 1f6 in Julia?

In a Julia codebase I have inherited, at one point there is a division by 1f6 So far as I can tell, this division doesn't change the output online, and I haven'

Julia on M1: libhd5f not defined

I am encountering a bug in Julia v1.7.2. I am trying to include a util.jl file that uses a Module. Everything in that module works fine (I have put into a Pluto

Julia error when trying to modify last number of an Array {Float 64}

I'm now starting using Julia and I need to interpolate a Brownian motion. I run the following codes but the following error appear. N = 3 B = zeros(N) B[N] = ra

Unrecognized runtime "julia"; defaulting to "python3"

I am trying to run the Julia template in Google Colab, but the first code block throws the following warning: Unrecognized runtime "julia"; defaulting to "pytho

Eigenvectors in Julia vs Numpy

I'm currently working to diagonalize a 5000x5000 Hermitian matrix, and I find that when I use Julia's eigen function in the LinearAlgebra module, which produces

convert dictionary to abstract matrix in julia

I'm trying to do dimension reduction, and I got a: d = Dict{Tuple{String, String}, Vector{Float64}} Trying to apply umap on it. While umap can only accepts abs

How do I determine the likelihood of my data coming from a model distribution using Julia?

I am trying to do a statistical analysis in Julia on experimental data. I tried to create a model and use Turing to obtain distributions for the mean and standa

Is there a way to dynamically create new arrays from a dataframe

I have a table that looks like |Category|number|absorbance|protein1|protein2| |--------|------|----------|--------|--------| |a|int|float|float|float| |a|int|fl

Functioning of permutedims in Julia unclear

What does permutedims() do when called upon a multidimensional array? From its name, it is evident it has something to do with the dimentions of the array. How

Plot points moving along the velocity field in Julia

The code below creates velocity field. I plotted a blue point in (0.5,0.5). How do I plot series of points that move alongside the velocity field? using PyPlot