I am quite new to Julia so I maybe missed the proper documentation. Is it possible to define a PDESystem in ModelingToolKit with symbolic BCs and Domain for arb
Given GraphPlots doc, we have the following available attributes: function gplot{V, T<:Real}( G::AbstractGraph{V}, locs_x::Vector{T}, locs_y::Vector{
What is the difference between Pluto.jl and Jupyter Notebooks? How do I decide which I should prefer for teaching students? Is there a performance difference? I
I have a network's data in tabular form (like in the screenshot) and would like to implement the Bellman-Ford algorithm on that. Every existing code for this is
I want to use GTK in a Julia program to display a list of properties that changes over time. I am now to both GTK and Julia I tried to combine the tutorial for
In a Julia codebase I have inherited, at one point there is a division by 1f6 So far as I can tell, this division doesn't change the output online, and I haven'
I am encountering a bug in Julia v1.7.2. I am trying to include a util.jl file that uses a Module. Everything in that module works fine (I have put into a Pluto
I'm now starting using Julia and I need to interpolate a Brownian motion. I run the following codes but the following error appear. N = 3 B = zeros(N) B[N] = ra
I am trying to run the Julia template in Google Colab, but the first code block throws the following warning: Unrecognized runtime "julia"; defaulting to "pytho
I'm currently working to diagonalize a 5000x5000 Hermitian matrix, and I find that when I use Julia's eigen function in the LinearAlgebra module, which produces
I'm trying to do dimension reduction, and I got a: d = Dict{Tuple{String, String}, Vector{Float64}} Trying to apply umap on it. While umap can only accepts abs
I am trying to do a statistical analysis in Julia on experimental data. I tried to create a model and use Turing to obtain distributions for the mean and standa
I have a table that looks like |Category|number|absorbance|protein1|protein2| |--------|------|----------|--------|--------| |a|int|float|float|float| |a|int|fl
What does permutedims() do when called upon a multidimensional array? From its name, it is evident it has something to do with the dimentions of the array. How
The code below creates velocity field. I plotted a blue point in (0.5,0.5). How do I plot series of points that move alongside the velocity field? using PyPlot
I am new in Julia. I want to replicate the results in Wollmann (2019). However, it always give me this error: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching setinde
I can use occursin function, but its haystack argument cannot be a regular expression, which means I have to pass the entire alphanumeric string to it. Is there
I need the implementation of randomized eigenvalue decomposition. This algorithm can find the largest r-eigenvalues of a symmetric real n×n matrix A rapi
I am trying to use the Twitter.jl package locally on my M1 Mac. However, when I try to install it, I get: ERROR: Error building `DecFP`: ┌ Warning: Platf
Is there a way to convert a floating number to int in Julia? I'm trying to convert a floating point number to a fixed precision number with the decimal part rep