Category "jupyter-notebook"

Python Notebook Create and Display GIF Without Saving to File

In Jupyter Notebook, you can have an image from a Numpy array and show it without having to save it, like so: from PIL import Image import numpy as np array =

Is there a way to obtain the same LaTeX output as one gets in Jupyter, but in Visual Studio?

For some unbeknownst reason which I have not been able to identify, and I already proposed in the form of my first programming question, I can not get the resul

Databricks dbfs file read issue

I am trying to open a file that i uploaded to the dbfs location. However, I get error while trying to open the file but I can see the file when I do a ls. Also

How to fix this error while using pandas profiling in jupyter notebook

Everytime I use pandas profiling in different data sets, notebook shows me this error. IndexError: only integers, slices (:), ellipsis (...), numpy.newaxis (No

Jupyter Notebook: Access to the file was denied

I'm trying to run a Jupyter notebook on Ubuntu 21.10. I've installed python, jupyter notebook, and all the various prerequisites. I added export PATH=$PATH:~/.l

Anaconda-Jupyter Doesn't open in Firefox

I have just installed Ubuntu 22.04 TLS from 20.04. On Ubuntu 20.04 anaconda and jupyter work very well. But since I'm on Ubuntu 22.04, I can't open jupyter in m

Pyspark Py4JJavaError while creating the delta-table

Here is the pyspark code which is running on jupyter notebook. import pyspark from delta import * builder = pyspark.sql.SparkSession.builder.appName("MyApp") \

Adjust kepler map size in dual mode in jupyter notebook

I want to use kepler map in dual mode (in jupyter), to have 2 visualizations on the same map, on the left is one layer, on the right is another. In normal mode

line() got an unexpected keyword argument 'reuse_plot'. Not sure what this means

I am following a tutorial online to use Python to determine financial returns. I am getting an error "TypeError: line() got an unexpected keyword argument 'reus

Import custom udf from jar to Spark

I am using Jupyter notebook for running Spark. My problem arises when I am trying to register a UDF from my custom imported jar. This is how I create th UDF in

Visual Studio Code freezes after short while "The window is not responding"

Problem: I can open VS code and start typing but after ~30s (sometimes minutes) the window freezes showing this message: I am using python on a jupyter noteboo

Jupyter Notebook Installation on python 3.8 in ubuntu 20.04

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/jupyter-notebook", line 5, in from notebook.notebookapp import main File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist

dataframe-image 0.1.1 does not export as image

The library dataframe_image is being used to convert a dataframe to png at spyder. However, it sends an error when the example code is executed. The error is: T

How to append two cell values located in the same dataframe column?

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How to split cell in VSCode Jupyter Notebook?

How can a Jupyter notebook cell be split in VSCode? I.e., how to split a single cell with multiple lines into two cells with the top lines (above the cursor) i

Python 3 RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in double-scalars - trying to fit multiple gaussians and an offset using scipy.optimise.curve_fit

Hi all as with many peeps, I am new to python. Updated script that runs to completion but has a OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estim

How to mount a bigger file to docker compose

The issue is as long as the file size is small: I could mount the volume and see it inside my container. But as the file size grows let's say 34MB, I can't see

AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'PandasIndexAdapter' on <module 'xarray.core.indexing'

I am trying to unpickle a file but i get this error while running the following code: import pickle import pandas as pd import numpy unpickled_df = pd.read_pick

Jupyter Notebook Won't Open Erno122

I'm trying to open Jupyter Notebook for some fairly heavy data analysis (pulling in datasets from hdf5 files and looking at certain aspects of them). I've done

"How do you want to open this file" when open Jupyter Notebook with Anaconda or Prompt

When I tried to open it, windows just pop up the regular "i don't know how to open this ext, how do you want to open it" dialog box. The anaconda prompt gave me