Category "jupyter-notebook"

How to add title when I use xarray to plot

I use 'xarray' to read nc file and plot a figure. I achieved the figure, but I don't know how to modify the title of the figure. Please see the code below. impo

Random password generator with words limit

I am creating a random password generator. I wanted to create an input field where the length of the password can only be min 8 and max 16. If user input the le

Enable showing Line Number in jupyter lab by default

We can enable/disable showing LineNumbers in each code block from "View" tab in Jupyter Lab. But this has to be done every time I open new instance of Jupyter-l

Downloading files in Jupyter: wget on Windows?

I am trying to download files from a url. I found wget command to be able to do that. Since I use Jupyter, I did not want to use pip, however conda install con

Open AI Gym with Neat Algorithm not working on Jupyter

import multiprocessing import os import pickle import numpy as np import neat import gym runs_per_net = 2 # Use the NN network phenotype and the discrete actu

How to get the data from POST request (API) in Python from sothebys site

I hope you are doing well. I have post request from which I want to get data in my jupyter notebook. I used the POSTMAN to check the data. Its working fine in t

Deploying Huggingface model for inference - pytorch-scatter issues

It's my first time with SageMaker, and I'm having issues when trying to execute this script I took from this Huggingface model (deploy tab) from sagemaker.huggi

Connection to the Jupyter Notebook Server could not be established

For the past many months I am trying to code in Jupyter Notebook but whenever I open Jupyter Notebook, then, I see a message where it is written 'A connection t

File not found error in Jupyter lab using python

I using online jupyterlab which can be accessed through this link below if not then use the second link This is the second link So the problem is i have uploade

Mist models/Mesa installation

Currently trying to read a .eep file on python. When I try to call the function read_mist_models, the following error shows: import read_mist_models ModuleNo

VScode failed to start the kernel

Failed to start the Kernel. Failed to start the Kernel 'wonyong (Python 3.8.8)'. View Jupyter log for further details. listen EFAULT: bad address in system ca

Having issues to import imblearn python package on Jupyter notebook on Anaconda

I wanted to install imbalanced-learn using pip install imbalanced-learn. Then I have tried import from imblearn.ensemble import EasyEnsembleClassifier This imp

How can I fix "500 : Internal Server Error" on jupyter notebook due to 'tornado.web' not having attribute 'asynchronous'?

Jupiter notebook is not opening notebooks and shows a "500 : Internal Server Error" instead. What I did was activate an environment I need and launching Jupyter

Jupyter notebook & 'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I am trying the following code in a jupyter notebook if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(paths['APIMODEL_PATH'], 'research', 'object_detection')): !git clone

Change Default kernel in jupyter notebook

I am using ipython 6.4.0 on ubuntu 20.04 and using jupyter kernelspec list , I found, there are 2 kernels : practice_applied_ai python3 When I open any .ipynb f

Unable to save Jupyter Notebook in VSC

I've made changes to .ipynb-file in Visual Studio Code, but I'm unable to save it. I've tried 4 ways and each of them doesn't work: Ctrl + S (nothing happens) V

Jupyter notebooks + pull requests in bitbucket

Can anyone here share some recommendations and best practices for working with Jupyter notebooks and Bitbucket/git? We have the Notebook viewer plugin installed

Jupyter notebook not opening in VS Code

While setting up my new system, I am trying to run my notebook file on VS Code but as soon as I open VS Code it give me this error Failed to detect Jupyter Note

Google Colab code change always produces "TabError: Inconsistent use of tab and spaces in indentation"

When I make even a simple change in a file checked out in /root/model/ in Google Colab environment Intro, I get "TabError: Inconsistent use of tab and spaces i

Django shell_plus: How to access Jupyter notebook in Docker Container

I am trying to access a Jupyter Notebook created with the shell_plus command from django-extensions in a Docker container. docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm