Category "jupyter-notebook"

Can VSCode interact with the kernel of current Jupyter notebook?

In VSCode, a script with: #%% a = 3 creates a Jupyter cell. Running the cell starts Jupyter server and evaluates the code in Python Interactive window. I wo

Jupyter notebook failed to process training data

I'm trying to make a classification on an image with the CNN algorithm. When I tried to run it on jupyter notebook(anaconda) it didn't work, but when I run it o

returning results from python script to variable in Jupyter notebook

I have a python script that returns a pandas dataframe and I want to run the script in a Jupyter notebook and then save the results to a variable. The data are

Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64') but i've manually changed Nan values in my database to equal 0

I've been having trouble with my regression formula. my dataset hasn't got any Nan values as I went through my database and replaced any blank cells with the va

Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64') but i've manually changed Nan values in my database to equal 0

I've been having trouble with my regression formula. my dataset hasn't got any Nan values as I went through my database and replaced any blank cells with the va

Python New Env created by Anaconda Prompt not showing in Jupyter Notebook kernel list

I created a new python env using Anaconda Prompt by using the following steps: conda create --name py3-TF2.0 python=3 conda activate py3-TF2.0 conda install ten

No module found error for every conda package in anaconda jupyter notebook

After installing the latest scikit-learn version (19) using conda in Anaconda Jupyter, all packages are showing ModuleNotFoundError - scikit learn, numpy, matpl

in Jupyter Notebook ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'plotly'

I installed plotly library using anaconda prompt and it is appearing in my conda list. I can use it in Spyder but when i Import it in my Jupyter Notebook it Sho

How to fix errors occurring on installation of Jupyter Notebook?

I am new to Python and try to install Jupyter Notebook from within a Windows command prompt window using: pip install jupyter But after a couple of minutes of

How to run a Python script in a '.py' file from a Google Colab notebook?

%%javascript IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) { return false; } %run I run this giving error saying fi

ImportError: DLL load failed when importing sklearn in Jupyter with Anaconda

I updated Anaconda, and since then I can't import sklearn in my Jupyter Notebook. Here is my traceback: -------------------------------------------------------

how can i insert a google sites into jupyter notebook with R

Is there any command to insert a into a notebook with IRkernel? I can find just the method to get the visible hyperlink with markdown cell: IRdispl

Python kernel dies on Jupyter Notebook with tensorflow 2

I installed tensorflow 2 on my mac using conda according these instructions: conda create -n tf2 tensorflow Then I installed ipykernel to add this new enviro

LaTeX error related to tcolorbox.sty not found

I have a problem with LaTeX whenever I try to download the file in PDF. When I try to do that, it gives me the following error: ! LaTeX Error: File `tcolorbox

LaTeX error related to tcolorbox.sty not found

I have a problem with LaTeX whenever I try to download the file in PDF. When I try to do that, it gives me the following error: ! LaTeX Error: File `tcolorbox

How to open a .tsv file in Jupyter? Jupyter.Notebook tried suggestions, but it doesn't work

How can I open a .tsv file in Jupyter. The data is stored under C:/User/anna/. This is my code: import pandas as pd df=pd.read_csv('C:/User/anna/train') Bu

In Jupyter Notebooks, the tooltip feature (shift + tab) works for some kernels (e.g. Python 3) but not others (e.g. Scala, Groovy). Is that expected?

This is my first foray into Jupyter Notebooks. My background is in Java and Scala development in classical IDEs (e.g. IntelliJ, Eclipse). I have Jupyter Notebo

How to use Jupyter notebooks in a conda environment?

Typically one runs jupyter notebook or jupyter-notebook or ipython notebook in a terminal to start a Jupyter notebook webserver locally (and open the URL in the

execute a Jupyter Notebook cell programmatically

Is it possible for a Jupyter Notebook cell to execute another cell programmatically? (i.e. using Python) And if so, is it possible to specify the cell number t

Is there a nice way to use the %env magic to *append* to an environment variable?

For example, I wanted to append to the PYTHONPATH environment using the %env magic. The only way I could figure out requires setting a "dummy" python variable a