I setup Identity Server 4 to issue JWT tokens to authenticate users. In Identity Server 4 I have setup the following: public class Resources { public stati
I am testing the apple server api. Everything works fine in the sandbox environment. But when I change the url from sandbox to prod environment, I only get 401
I'm working on a Docker-Django-Graphene-React stack where Django is the backend which receive GraphQL queries through Graphene from React which acts as the fron
i'm building an app with user login and register info. I use nuxt/auth module for handling the authentification. Whenever the user get logs in the state change
I am working with an ASP.NET web API project (not .NET Core). I want to add [Authorize(Roles="xx") to my controller action. But it seems not working (always 401
mvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/PensionerDetailByAadhaar?aadhaarNumber=123").header("Authorization","Bearer "+token)).andExpect(status().isOk()); Here
I'm using the auth scheme detailed in FastAPI's user guide (JWT/Bearer token). When I try to get a token from the /token endpoint the request fails before the p
All the examples of how to validate a JWT token that I found in micronaut are using a "secret". They do it this way: micronaut: security: authentication:
So I have a simple flask app. Logging in creates a token: token = jwt.encode({'user': token_data}, app.config['SECRET_KEY']).decode('utf-8') The middleware loo
I want set jwt auth on my nginx but I got this error: nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "auth_jwt" in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf I have nginx version: ng
I have created a JWT Token in Spring Boot for storing User Details. When I use Jwttokenutil.getUsernameFromToken(authToken) [ authToken is the token passed ] me
I am trying to add OWIN JWT into webapi project using VS 2015. The reference shows Microsoft.Owin.Security.Jwt, Version= and Microsoft.IdentityModel.Toke
I need to access an API that uses JSON Web Tokens as their authentication method. Is there a good way to use a python code step to create this token then add th
I need to access an API that uses JSON Web Tokens as their authentication method. Is there a good way to use a python code step to create this token then add th
I'm doing a little project in this quarantine time to learn about the backend part of a project. In this case I'm using Angular as client-side and NestJS as bac
I need to retrieve the values of sub-claims from a JWT in Go. I have (legacy) JWTs I need to parse in go, which contain a custom claim "data" which holds an Js
I'm trying to use authentication using passport and jwt, and when I use user.toJSON() to create tokens it give me following error const User = require('../../..
I have encoded a token with JWT::encode($payload, $key, 'HS256'); When I am trying to decode it with the same key, it throws an error. Here is the code: <?p
I succesfully installed "JWT Authentication for WP REST API" and followed (and reviewed multiple times) the instructions for setup correctly. My React app does
I'm using symfony 3.4 with DoctrineMongoDBBundle and LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle . I'm trying to create a user login which return JWT token. If i specify the u