Category "android-volley"

How to call API again when there is Network or Timeout Error in Android Volley Request

I am using a custom common class named APIHelper for Volley JsonObjectRequest for my all activities. I am handling all type of errors here. And setting positive

How to send Body Data to GET Method Request android

like this, I want to send json body request to GET API tried this but not worked public static void getQuestionsListApi2(final String requestId, final Str

handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy

I have a Login screen and upon success login, it finishes and shows another page that has information about the user. I read about this post and also this post.

Why is future.get() always timing out for Volley RequestFuture?

I am trying to make a synchronous Volley networking request. I am using request futures to wait on a response, but the future.get() call always times out (no ma

How to add non-English words as text part to multi-part request in volley lib?

I have a custom json request class to upload multi-part files to server this class in an Android application , it works fine when I add English words as keys an

Getting using the Volley library. What are some possible causes?

When I make a request in Volley, I'm receiving and response code 400. I'm doing something like this (generic example code): final

Android not make GET request after app closing from Service

First of all sorry if such sort of question is already asked before. I want to make a app which make a GET request or Simply Open A URL to tell server that app

Android Volley getParams() method not getting called for JsonObjectRequest

I have overrided getParams(), and mEmail, mUsername etc. are globally declared. @Override public Map<String, String> getParams() throws AuthFailureError

Android not make GET request after app closing from Service

First of all sorry if such sort of question is already asked before. I want to make a app which make a GET request or Simply Open A URL to tell server that app

How can I add only the new items of the JSON API without duplicating the existed items?

I want to make an auto refreshing system for my android application. I use a JSON API in order to get the posts. Here is what I did: handler.postDelayed( runnab