I can use the provider in the init state, but it does give me an error. I saw answers that you need to use listen: false in the provider. of method but it still
I have an existing app that implements provider pattern. A sample provider would be: class SampleProvider { static SampleProvider of(BuildContext context) =
i'm using provider package for my states i have CupertinoSwitch in my DropdownMenuItem when switch CupertinoSwitch and data change when close DropdownMenuItem d
Seems like one data object in AccountUncheckedCreateInput is missing: data.created_at Invalid p.account.create() invocation in 16 }, 17 updateUser: ({ id, ...da
Good day, guys I'm new to using Riverpod, I have a counter app that when the FAB button is tapped it increases the counter by 1. This works well using Riverpod
I am learning the Flutter state management with mobx, and I want to change the context of the dynamic listtile without rebuilding the whole page, I tried observ