Category "provider"

Can use provider in init state (but it gives me an error)

I can use the provider in the init state, but it does give me an error. I saw answers that you need to use listen: false in the provider. of method but it still

Combining good old providers with Riverpod

I have an existing app that implements provider pattern. A sample provider would be: class SampleProvider { static SampleProvider of(BuildContext context) =

why in DropdownButtonFormField item my CupertinoSwitch value doesn't change in flutter

i'm using provider package for my states i have CupertinoSwitch in my DropdownMenuItem when switch CupertinoSwitch and data change when close DropdownMenuItem d

next auth coinbase provider using prisma adapter doesn't add Account error created_at in data.created_at for type AccountUncheckedCreateInput

Seems like one data object in AccountUncheckedCreateInput is missing: data.created_at Invalid p.account.create() invocation in 16 }, 17 updateUser: ({ id, ...da

How to retain the state of the app when navigating to another screen in flutter using riverpod

Good day, guys I'm new to using Riverpod, I have a counter app that when the FAB button is tapped it increases the counter by 1. This works well using Riverpod

How to change ListTile data with mobx without rebuilding the whole page #Flutter

I am learning the Flutter state management with mobx, and I want to change the context of the dynamic listtile without rebuilding the whole page, I tried observ