Category "kafka-consumer-api"

Kafka offset is set to -1000

My Kafka Consumer says the following: [TopicPartition{topic=my-topic,partition=0,offset=-1000,error=None}] Whenever I run poll(), it returns None. I want the o

do two instances from the same Spark Streaming can be in conflict?

I want to run the same Java Spark Streaming (10 seconds micro batch) through 2 instances (sparkStr1 and sparkStr2). Mainly, they consume the same kafka topic (3

Executing ksql query using node npm ksqlDb-client throwing an timeout error

Hi am trying to execute the KSQL query using npm package ksqlDb-client package, it throws an timeout error. I have attached the code as well, please let me kno

Kafka MirorMaker2 ports for inter cluster communication

I have setup Apache MirrorMaker 3.0.0 with active-active strategy for two Kafka clusters (named DC, DR). So topic on DC is replicated by MirrorMaker2 as DC.<

How to get kafka offset data, specified on timestamp

I've tried to get the offset from Kafka topic based on timestamp when I tried to run it was throwing null pointer error, Map<TopicPartition, Long> timest

This error handler cannot process 'SerializationException's directly;

The image below is my topic. Every once in a while, a value other than an empty or json is returned. If it is null, it throws an error as below and enters the

kafka failed authentication due to: SSL handshake failed

I have to add encryption and authentication with SSL in kafka. This is what I have done: Generate certificate for each broker kafka: keytool -keystore server

What is the difference between kafka earliest and latest offset values

producer sends messages 1, 2, 3, 4 consumer receives messages 1, 2, 3, 4 consumer crashes/disconnects producer sends messages 5, 6, 7 consumer comes back up

How does kafka consumer auto commit work?

I am reading this one: Automatic Commit The easiest way to commit offsets is to allow the consumer to do it for you. If you configure

Kafka custom deserializer converting to Java object

I'm using Spring Kafka integration and I've my own value generic serializer/deserializer as shown below Serializer: public class KafkaSerializer<T>

Flink checkpoint not replaying the kafka events which were in process during the savepoint/checkpoint

I want to test end-to-end exactly once processing in flink. My job is: Kafka-source -> mapper1 -> mapper-2 -> kafka-sink I had put a Thread.sleep(100

Make kafka consumer group inactive

My biggest question is that do we have a concept in kafka called as consumer group to be inactive/active. I am not sure how to achieve this in my local kafka

Is there a way to manually store Kafka offset so a consumer never misses messages?

Using PHP Laravel Framework to consume kafka messages with the help of the mateusjunges/laravel-kafka laravel package. Is it possible to save the offset by cons

Kafka Consumer to read from multiple topics

I am very new to Kafka. I am creating two topics and publishing on these two topics from two Producers. I have one consumer which consumes the messages from bot

How to write a KafkaAvro Serde for GenericData.Record

I'm using Kafka 0.10.2 and Avro for the serialization of my messages, both for the key and for the value data. Now I would like to use Kafka Streams but I'm stu

Kafka Consumer is not receiving Messages on docker

I'm a begginer on kafka as well as docker, I have been doing a course and working with kafka producer and consumer but for some reason it is not working. When I