I´m trying to test this Angular service which uses af.firestore.collection, not just af.collection, as shown below, so to be able to access the onSnapshot
I have some difficulties in unit testing a function. I'm new in these things and I don't know what I can do. I have to those 2 if. Any advice? Thank you.
I am testing a function that has a reference to a form in it (this.form), so when I try to test it I am wondering how I can mock that form so the function has a
I am trying to test a method within a service that performs an http post. I have mock the service in my spec.ts and all seems correct for me, but the boolean va
I have this scenario: there is a service taking data from BE. Every call of this service (its method) is subscribed and this subscription is saved to Subscripti
i know there are many posts on this subject but nothing has helped so far. Such things like (window as any).global = window in polyfills.ts didn't work Angular:
When I run ng test --code-coverage, The coverage report is sometimes not generating, sometimes it is generating so I'm unable to verify the coverage statement a
I have following http error interceptor: @Injectable() export class HttpErrorInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor { constructor(private util: UtilService,
After developing my Angular application I would like to run unit tests with Karma and Jasmine. I haven't written any unit-tests yet, but trying to run the defau
When I run the ng test on this spec file it fail with this error: Failed: The pipe 'async' could not be found! I have tried to fakesync() the test and still the
I had angular material table which contain a column that shows data using this I need to filter data which are older than 3 months
I am Jasmine unit testing an angular component, which uses Observables. My component has this lifecycle hook that I am testing: ngOnInit() { this.dataService.
I have created Maven Web application and I generally use mvn clean install So it execute npm install command as its one of the execution goal and then it ru
Hi I am writing unit test case for my angular code. I am trying to update textbox in gridview. Below is my gridview code. <input *ngIf="editing[rowIndex + '
I am developing my own website. I am new to Angular and just based on learing and online posts, I started developing my website. While running tests, I faced an
After runned my test with this artist-detail.spec.ts import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http'; import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angula
I am trying to write a unit test for a button that has disabled assigned to a boolean. html looks like: <button *ngIf="!data" id="createBtn" mat-button c
On some machines building the Angular app takes more then 2*60s (default timeout for Chrome started by Karma to catch the content). Is there a way to force Kar
I'm using this, from here: constructor(private heroService: HeroService, private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute) { } ngOnInit() { const heroId = this.
I bootstrap a simple Angular (v10.1) app and create Github action workflow as below. Note that I have configured test to run with recommended configurations as