Category "kotlin-coroutines"

What does the suspend function mean in a Kotlin Coroutine?

I'm reading Kotlin Coroutine and know that it is based on suspend function. But what does suspend mean? Coroutine or function gets suspended? From https://kotli

Unit test the new Kotlin coroutine StateFlow

Recently, the class StateFlow was introduced as part of Kotlin coroutines. I'm currently trying it and encountered an issue while trying to unit test my ViewMod

Unit test the new Kotlin coroutine StateFlow

Recently, the class StateFlow was introduced as part of Kotlin coroutines. I'm currently trying it and encountered an issue while trying to unit test my ViewMod

Retrofit call in Kotlin Coroutines viewModelScope

Recently I've updated my ViewModel to use new viewModelScope. From its implementation, I see that Dispatchers.Main.immediate is set as the default CoroutineDisp

Retrofit call in Kotlin Coroutines viewModelScope

Recently I've updated my ViewModel to use new viewModelScope. From its implementation, I see that Dispatchers.Main.immediate is set as the default CoroutineDisp

Error while using suspend with DAO methods

I am getting a compilation error that I have described below. I have tried different solution provided on similar question like mine but neither of them worked

The AsyncTask API is deprecated in Android 11. What are the alternatives?

Google is deprecating Android AsyncTask API in Android 11 and suggesting to use java.util.concurrent instead. you can check out the commit here * * @deprecate

How to send parameters for get request using retrofit and kotlin Coroutines.?

I was following the tutorial from I am having difficulty t

Room Dao LiveData as return type causing compile time error

I am using Room and implemented Dao that returns LiveData. It was working fine with below dependency added. implementation "

java.lang.IllegalStateException when using State in Android Jetpack Compose

I have ViewModel with Kotlin sealed class to provide different states for UI. Also, I use androidx.compose.runtime.State object to notify UI about changes in st

How to wait for khttp (kotlin) response in Android

I've been trying to use khttp to send an .jpg file in an android activity but haven't been able to make it work. fun sendImage(view: View) { try {

MutableLiveData: Cannot invoke setValue on a background thread from Coroutine

I'm trying to trigger an update on LiveData from a coroutine: object AddressList: MutableLiveData<List<Address>>() fun getAddressesLiveData(): Live

What is the difference between limitedParallelism vs a fixed thread pool dispatcher?

I am trying to use Kotlin coroutines to perform multiple HTTP calls concurrently, rather than one at a time, but I would like to avoid making all of the calls c

How can I create single-thread coroutine context under Common pool in Kotlin?

Short requirement: have ability to create corotine context, which will executed in the single thread only (e.g. without parallelism). Additional requirement: i

How do I return function value in lifecycle-aware coroutine scope in Android?

fun returnValue(): Int { viewModelScope.launch { return 1 // Something like this } } I want to return some value in a viewModelScope like the