Category "vscode-extensions"

Is there a way to make VSCode show errors for unresolved types in .d.ts files?

I love working with TypeScript in VSCode and seeing all the errors automatically pop up with red underlining. I even set "typescript.tsserver.experimental.enabl

Assign Ctrl+Y to Redo in VSCode

I'm currently having some trouble trying to assign any additional keybindings to the Normal Mode while using the VIM extension for VSCode. Any ideas on how to p

VS code remote x11 cant get DISPLAY while connecting to remote server

I use Windows VS code and this extensions "Remote SSH", "Remote X11", "Remote X11 (SSH)" to connect and to get graphics from remote server. I run VcXsrv, Pagean

Ignoring axios error for invalid certificates when creating a vscode extension

I am currently working on a Visual Studio Code extension that makes HTTPS GET requests and I am trying to ignore invalid certificates e.g. expired certificates.

Can I have a TreeView action that doesn't show up in the command palette?

I want to have a TreeView in my VS Code extension, and I want to be able to right-click on items in the view and have a context menu with actions in it. The off

Code actions provider API for integration testing

I'm writing a CodeActions provider in and using an integration testing setup similar to that documented at https://cod

How do I solve an issue installing yeoman generator in vscode

when installing yeoman generator in vscode, in a terminal on windows 10 PC, I run the command below npm i -g yo generator-code I get the below message saying e

visual studio code - language server extension that written in python

I would like to write a visual studio code extension that parse and analyse large log files. I thought to start with language server extension. I would like the

VS Code Extension - How to add a WebviewPanel to the sidebar?

According to this page webviews can be "rendered in the sidebar or panel areas". The examples show how to render as editor panels... vscode.window.createWebview

Create formatter in Visual Studio Code

When I try to auto indent my .ahk files, I get "There is no formatter for 'ahk'-files installed." How can I create a rudimentary formatter?

VSCode API check if path exists

In a VSCode extension, how can I check if a file path exists without opening or reading the file? The closest thing I've found are vscode.workspace.fs.Readfile

Getting error while bundling Vue app with rollup js. CreateElementVNode

Basically, I am building VS code extension using Vue js but bundling the app using rollupjs gives an error. Node version - 14.18.0 Vue Js Version - 2.6.14 Rollu

VSCode Problems Tab: How to subscribe to onclick event on one specific problem

I am developing a VSCode extension (a graphical modeler, not text based). On validate some errors/problems can show up in the VSCode problems tab. (Diagnostics

In a VS Code extension, is there a way to set the configuration options for the editor (such as word wrap) programmatically?

For an extension I am working on, our end-users would prefer to have options such as word-wrap on by default. We would like to be able to set this at the langua

Cannot find module 'vscode' in language server extension

We made a copy of the lsp sample project, and in server.ts we are importing the @types/vscode package to access the Range interface when creating Diagnostic ins

VSCode Extension: How to open a file if no workspace folders are available?

I've been working on an extension that allows adding files with pre-defined content and modifying them using a custom web editor. The custom command "Add new XX

How to fix Jupyter extension activation failed when opening python files?

I installed python lately on my macos system and when I try to open a python file I see this error popup about Jupyter extension :

"No extensions found" when running Visual Studio Code from source

When I try to install any extension in Visual Studio Code (i.e., by pressing Ctrl+P and then running ext install RustyCode), I get a message that No extensions

How to pass data through VSCode URL?

I'm building a VSCode extension, which needs to receive data from a web app. In the web app, I call vscode://file to open VSCode, but I also need to pass data t

Testing VSCode extensions - how to verify that decorations are set

I have an extension which adds text decorations at the end of some of the lines. I'd like to write a test which verifies that the text decorations are added and