Category "kubectl"

Is there an option to copy image between nodes in kubernetes cluster?

I have a case where we have to patch the docker image in k8s node and retag it to start over the old one. This process ain't so easy and obvious, because I have

Unable to connect to AWS EKS cluster

I am configuring an EKS cluster using terraform in a private subnet and trying to access it using a VPN in a public subnet. When I configured it, it works fine

How to get the argo workflow age in seconds using kubectl command

Is there a way to fetch a specific argo workflow age in seconds using kubectl command? I've a requirement for comparing the argo workflow age. If the workflow a

Unable to Copy data from POD to local using kubectl cp command

I need to copy dump data from pod to local. Below the commands I am trying but I am getting error: unexpected EOF kubectl cp device-database-79fc964c8-q7ncc:tmp

How to display only positive change in Grafana graph?

I am using kube-stats-metrics with kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_reason as a gauge. The gauge can be reporter for few minutes even hours. But I just

Get node status with kubectl custom-columns [closed]

I'm experimenting with kubectl -o=custom-columns and I wonder if there is a way to get node status. I'm can get the nodename with this k

Get node status with kubectl custom-columns [closed]

I'm experimenting with kubectl -o=custom-columns and I wonder if there is a way to get node status. I'm can get the nodename with this k

Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ingress-nginx.ingress-nginx-controller.svc.cluster.local

I am working with NextJS and I need for it to know when it's making a request on the server or on the browser. To do it on the server-side because I am building

User cannot get resource "services" in API group - Jenkins pipeline EKS deployment

I'm trying to deploy my docker image into the cluster using Jenkins. my Jenkins application is running in an EC2 ubuntu server. Initially, when I tried I was ge

Suddenly getting "Unable to connect to the server: net/http: TLS handshake timeout" from kubectl

My vanilla kubernetes cluster running on 'Docker for Mac' was running fine without any real load. Now, I deployed a few services and istio. Now, I am getting th

How can I mount Pv on one node and use that same PV for pods in another anode

I have attached an EBS volume to one of the nodes in my cluster and I want that whatever pod are coming up, irrespective of the nodes they are scheduled onto, s

How could I run kubectl -k in an Azure DevOps pipeline?

Currently the Azure kubectl task uses Kubectl version Is there any way to run a newer version of kubectl that supports apply -k or kustomize?

minikube ip is not reachable

I have created one service called fleetman-webapp: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: fleetman-webapp spec: selector: app: webapp ports: - n

kubectl - How to edit service spec type to LoadBalancer via command line?

I have a k8s service of type clusterIP.. i need to change the below configuration via CLI the http port to https port the port number the type to Load Balancer

How to easily switch gcloud / kubectl credentials

At work we use Kubernetes hosted in GCP. I also have a side project hosted in my personal GCP account using Google App Engine (deploy using gcloud app deploy).

Pod coredns stuck in ContainerCreating state with Weave on k8s

First of all, let me thank you for this amazing guide. I'm very new to kubernetes and having a guide like this to follow helps a lot when trying to setup my fir

kubectl: describe vs get -o <format>

In kubectl, both describe and get -o <format> can be used to get the details of a resource, I'm wondering what's the difference between the two? why does

Finding the name of a new pod with kubectl

I am new to k8s and I am running into a little problem here. Here's the context: I need to invoke kubectl delete [podname] via a crontask once a day, and wait

kubectl versions Error: exec plugin is configured to use API version

I was setting up my new Mac for my eks environment. After the installation of kubectl, aws-iam-authenticator and the kubeconfig file placement in default locati

kubectl versions Error: exec plugin is configured to use API version

I was setting up my new Mac for my eks environment. After the installation of kubectl, aws-iam-authenticator and the kubeconfig file placement in default locati