Category "kubernetes-helm"

Grafana 8 | Notifications Alert

We did an upgrade to our Loki-stack from version:2.1.0 to version 2.4.1, After the upgrade Grafana Alert Rules are not working previously we were running versio

Helm: creating a volume with original image files

I have an image, specifically Nginx, that I want to run with readOnlyRootFilesystem: true. For this reason I started creating empty volumes (using volumes, empt

What was "helm chart export" command doing in helm 3.6

I am upgrading my projects to helm 3.7 and the helm chart export command in no longer supported. Also there is

helmfile sync vs helmfile apply

sync sync all resources from state file (repos, releases and chart deps) apply apply all resources from state file only when there are changes sync

Condition if or "values" (not "values") in helm

i confuse with condition in helm, i set 2 deployment with 1 deployment create database, 1 deployment create application using range. {{ range $component := .Val

if condition with AND operator and greater than condition in helm

I am trying to make a default value for CPU if its mentioned(if its not mentioned, i have handled that separately) value in values file is less than 5000m. I am

how to Start keycloak 18 in Https mode in Kubernetes(minikube) Getting error to get the certificate

I'm running a minikube cluster on my local machine And want to deploy keycloak 18 version via Helm chart. But I'm unknown about. How to Add Generated certficate

How to avoid ClusterIssuer dependency on helm cert-manager CRDs in Terraform plan and apply? ("ClusterIssuer" not found in group "")

I am trying to create a module in Terraform to create the basic resources in a Kubernetes cluster, this means a cert-manager, ingress-nginx (as the ingress cont

How to import custom dashboards to grafana using helm

I'm trying to understand helm and I wonder if someone could ELI5 to me something or help me with something. So i did run below: helm repo add coreos https://s

Helm range yaml template kafka topics

I am new to helm and I am trying to generate different topics for kafka with a range function to not have a yaml file for each topic: I have different topics (t

How do I lookup configMap values to build k8s manifest using ArgoCD

I'm using ArgoCD for gitops deployments right now and I have k8s manifest files that require configMap values to be built (via helm right now). However, ArgoCD

Should dependencies between Helm charts reflect dependencies between microservices?

Given a following scheme of services and their dependencies I would like to engineer a set of Helm charts. API Gateway calls Service A and Service C Service A

How to access dotted variable in values.yaml helm chart

Could you please help me how to access: database password in helm chart? I tried this: "{{ .Values "grafana.ini" }}" and many other modification

How best to say a value is required in a helm chart?

I am doing this now: value: {{ required "A valid entry required!" }} But to give this same message for all required values in the tem

Rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Could not get information about the resource: resource name may not be empty

I Installed Helm 3 on my windows laptop where i have kube config configured as well. But when i try to install my local helm chart, i;m getting the below error.

Unable to connect Zookeeper in gke cluster

I am getting the below error while deploying the Apache Zookeeper bitnami charts Unable to connect Zookeeper To connect to your ZooKeeper server run the followi

How to pass dynamic arguments to a helm chart that runs a job

I'd like to allow our developers to pass dynamic arguments to a helm template (Kubernetes job). Currently my arguments in the helm template are somewhat static

If condition checking value returned by helm template

I have a parent chart with 2 subcharts. The parent chart has global.myflag while the subcharts have myflag fields, in their respective values.yaml. I want the f

Kubernetes MetalLB External IP not reachable

I can't access to Network IP assigned by MetalLB load Balancer I created a Kubernetes cluster in k3s. Its 1 master and 1 workers. Each one has its own Private

How to uninstall rancher manually?

I installed rancher into existing kubernetes cluster from this tutorial, using these commands: helm repo add rancher-latest