Category "kubernetes-jobs"

Provide files for kubernetes job

I am trying to create a Kubernetes job, that would run from some machine. I would like that job could somehow copy files from this machine into container runnin

JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX environment variable is empty when submitting an Indexed Job to kubernetes

I've made my cluster using minukube. as I know, Indexed-Job feature is added at kubernetes version 1.21. but when I made my job, it looks like there is no $JOB_

Kubernetes limit number of retry

For some context, I'm creating an API in python that creates K8s Jobs with user input in ENV variables. Sometimes, it happens that the Image selected does not e

Can a single kubernetes job contain multiple pods with different parallelism definitions?

I have a batch job which breaks down in 3 tasks that each depend on the previous finishing before they can start: Run a single pod Run N pods in parallel (.spec

how to run a job in each node of kubernetes instead of daemonset

There is a kubernetes cluster with 100 nodes, I have to clean the specific images manually, I know the kubelet garbage collect may help, but it isn't applied in