Category "kubernetes-pod"

unable to access nodeIP:port, serviceIP:port or podIP:port in minikube k8s

I am using k8s in minikube under Ubuntu and deployed nginx server. Which i want to access from different level eg from serviceip, nodeip or pod ip and none of t

Apache server runs with docker run but kubernetes pod fails with CrashLoopBackOff

My application uses apache2 web server. Due to restrictions in the kubernetes cluster, I do not have root previliges inside pod. So I have changed default port

KubernetesPodOperator is not able to access the Airflow Connections stored in Google Secrets Manager

I am using the Composer version 2.0.0 Airflow 2.1.4 and I have created a KubernetesPodOperator that is trying to access the Airflow connection stored in the Goo

delete kubernetes pods which status shows 'CrashLoopBackOff' via shell script

I trying to write a script to delete pods status CrashLoopBackOff from all namespaces. #!/bin/bash # This script is basically check all avialble namespaces # a

kube-proxy fails with CrashLoopBackOff in minikube

I am running k8s using minikube version v1.18.0 on Ubuntu 20. But kube-proxy fails with CrashLoopBackOff status. What could be the issue? I am using 1.18 versio

Unable to access the nginx through Kubernetes LoadBalancer service

I'm using k8s provided with docker desktop (windows). My deployment.yml file is apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment labels

Kubernetes limit number of retry

For some context, I'm creating an API in python that creates K8s Jobs with user input in ENV variables. Sometimes, it happens that the Image selected does not e

Unable to pull docker image from local registry for Kubernetes deployment

I've a K8s cluster on Linode and another VM for operating. I've installed Docker & K8s on operating VM to build images and do deployment on cluster. Note: I

How can I mount Pv on one node and use that same PV for pods in another anode

I have attached an EBS volume to one of the nodes in my cluster and I want that whatever pod are coming up, irrespective of the nodes they are scheduled onto, s

How to create an alert for a pod running status in Prometheus

I have deployed prometheus, node exporter and alert manager on kubernetes and I am trying to create an alert rule to check if any specific pod is running or not

Is it possible to run gcsfuse without privileged mode inside GCP kubernetes?

Following this guide,I am trying to run gcsfuse inside a pod in GKE. Below is the deployment manifest that I am using: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Depl

Failed to construct kafka producer: No resolvable bootstrap urls given in bootstrap.servers (Intermittent issue)

I am getting intermittent issues while accessing the kafka service from the Kubernetes pod. org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to construct kafka pr

How to ensure every kubernetes node running 2 or more pods?

I know that DaemonSets ensure only one pod running in every node. I know that ReplicaSets ensure the number of pod replicas defined are running but doesn't ensu

Kubernetes NetworkAttachmentDefinition

currently I'm running a Kubernetes Cluster. Host Network: 10.17.20.x Docker Network: 172.17.60.x Im running a RabbitMQ pod which has the IP: Annot

Access SQL Server database from Kubernetes Pod

My deployed Spring boot application to trying to connect to an external SQL Server database from Kubernetes Pod. But every time it fails with error Failed

Kubernetes - MountVolume.NewMounter initialization failed for volume "<volume-name>" : path does not exist

I am trying to setup a Local Persistent volume using local storage using WSL. But the pod STATUS stops at Pending. The kubectl describe pod <pod-name> giv

Kubernetes sort pods by age

I can sort my Kubernetes pods by name using: kubectl get pods How can I sort them (or other resoures) by age using kubectl?

"kubectl get pods -A" command not working

I installed Kubernetes in virtual BOX previously it was working properly but not it is showing The connection to the server was refused - d

Why I cannot kill python3 process in k8s pod?

I tried to kill one python process: # ps aux | grep python root 1 12.6 2.1 2234740 1332316 ? Ssl 20:04 19:36 /usr/bin/python3 /batch/ ro