I have product categories with the meta value "old_id", I'm trying to make a function that will return the new product category id using the old id (with meta k
I'm trying to change the stock management availability text on single product page based on different conditions in WooCommerce. There are 5 situations, dependi
we need to make an automatic discount coupon to be applied if the current user role is ( vendor ), we achieved that by creating a normal coupon then used the sn
Let's say i'm using this code to create a coupon: $coupon_code = 'CODEOFF'; $amount = '10'; $discount_type = 'percent'; $coupon = array(
I'm writing a plugin to intercept the creation of bookings in wordpress. To have all the booking information I need to access the information filled in the addo
We are building a wine-shop and have a few typical attributes like alcohol, sugar, acid that have values. These attributes are measured in uni
I have the custom order status and it works. What I need help with here is looping through the order items and checking if any of them are on backorder and if
I'm using polylang plugin to having multi-languages website. Using WooCommerce with polylang demands duplicating each product for each language, so assuming I h
I use this hook to show variations on the shop page. However, the product image does not change when a variable is selected. It works on a Single product page.
Within a plugin how do I get products using wc_get_products()? Or is there another way to do it? if ( in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'a
I want to modify the subscription string so it only shows the sign-up fee for variations with 0$ recurring fee. I would also like to show that variation price
I use WooCommerce, Woolentor, and WooCommerce subscriptions to construct a website. I'm trying to use the 'WL:Related Product' widget for Woolentor's Single Pro
How can I rearrange my-account fields .I want to locate billing_address_1 field after billing_state and billing_city fields. I used woocommerce_form_field_args
This question follows How to show a product custom field (custom SKU) in WooCommerce orders answer to my previous question. How do I make a product custom field
I am trying to find a way on how to add the customer phone and email below the name on the WooCommerce order view. See picture for reference where I need to ad
Using the functions below I've applied a custom field to products added in Woocommerce cart and checkout page also to orders and notification email. My questi
How could I redirect any logging to files to stdout/err/.. ? (to be specific I have rsyslog going) Basically, I would like what WC_Log_Handler_File produces to
I am trying to add a row to Single product Additional information table. Actually is there any hooks or filter to do this? I have searched the hook but can'
I am using a third-party plugin to assign a role to a user when they purchase a subscription - there are two different roles depending on purchase (silver, gold
I'm trying to add the image caption under each image thumbnail on WooCommerce single product page. Here you can see where I want the text to be shown (presently