Category "kubernetes"

Can we see transfer progress with kubectl cp?

Is it possible to know the progress of file transfer with kubectl cp for Google Cloud?

While using Harbor create 'New Registry Endpoint' unhealthy issue

While using harbor create 'New Registry Endpoint' unhealthy issue as below: I followed the https cert generation instruction as link:

Combining multiple k8s secrets into an env variable

My k8s namespace contains a Secret which is created at deployment time (by svcat), so the values are not known in advance. apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Op

How to use local docker images with Minikube?

I have several docker images that I want to use with minikube. I don't want to first have to upload and then download the same image instead of just using the l

Kubernetes Persistent Volume Mount not found

I am trying to create and mount a volume but getting stuck. This part creates the storage: apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: pvclai

How to delete all the pods which are in Error/Init/CrashloopBckoff state at one shot

I have tried below command. but this command gets all the pods which are not running for some reason any other way to do this kubectl delete pods -A --field-s

Calling Kubernetes Spark Operator with Java api

There is a good of examples of creating Spark jobs using the Kubernetes Spark Operator and simply submitting a request with the following kubectl apply -f spa

creating a release pipeline, I am not able to create a release pipeline due to shell script failure in the tasks [closed]

cp /dockeragents/sw/ADOAgents/ADOAgent2/_work/r15/a/ws_ordermanagement_bookit_order_enrichment/manifest.yaml /dockeragents/sw/ADOAgents/ADOAg

kubernetes - Configmap - Existing files are removed

When using a ConfigMap as a mounted volume, all the existing files and folders inside the mounted location of the pod are deleted. The ConfigMap is created usi

How to ensure every kubernetes node running 2 or more pods?

I know that DaemonSets ensure only one pod running in every node. I know that ReplicaSets ensure the number of pod replicas defined are running but doesn't ensu

Applying ServiceAccount specific OPA policies through Gatekeeper in kubernetes

We are trying to replace our existing PSPs in kubernetes with OPA policies using Gatekeeper. I'm using the default templates provided by Gatekeeper https://gith

why the telepresence 2 could not access the remote kubernetes cluster after connect

I want to use telepresence 2 to debug the app within remote kubernetes(v1.21) cluster in the Cloud. After installation of telepresence 2 in macOS Monterey, I am

Kubernetes node-exporter container is not working it shows this error message

Error: failed to start container "node-exporter": Error response from daemon: path /sys is mounted on /sys but it is not a shared or slave mount shows that mes

Error sending fetch request (sessionId=1175648978, epoch=189) to node 53: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.DisconnectException

We have a topic with 100 partitions and the load is millions of records per hour. We ran into the problem whenever we deploy a new version of stream-processor

sprint cloud data flow server kubernetes liveness timeout values

I am using SCDF for kubernetes to deploy streams. Some of the kubernetes pods deployed by SCDF server are in constant restarts because the livenessProbe initia

Exposing multiple TCP/UDP services using a single LoadBalancer on K8s

Trying to figure out how to expose multiple TCP/UDP services using a single LoadBalancer on Kubernetes. Let's say the services are and e

How to calculate containers' cpu usage in kubernetes with prometheus as monitoring?

I want to calculate the cpu usage of all pods in a kubernetes cluster. I found two metrics in prometheus may be useful: container_cpu_usage_seconds_total: Cumu

Kubernetes ingress controller upgrade doesn't finish the upgrade

We have an issue upgrading our nginx ingress controller: We have thousands of ingress objects - all with the same ingress class, provided as an annotation and n

Minikube got stuck when creating container

I recently got started to learn Kubernetes by using Minikube locally in my Mac. Previously, I was able to start a local Kubernetes cluster with Minikube 0.10.0,

Kubectl imperative command for deployment

I used to create deployments quickly using imperative commands kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Always --port=80 --replicas=3 . Now run command wit