Category "kubernetes"

kubectl: describe vs get -o <format>

In kubectl, both describe and get -o <format> can be used to get the details of a resource, I'm wondering what's the difference between the two? why does

Why I can't see pause containers in GKE containerd CRI?

I am using a GKE cluster with Ubuntu nodes & containerd as CRI. I am not able to see any pause containers the way we used to see in docker. Are they no more

Log entries lost while using fluent-bit with kubernetes filter and elasticsearch output

From time to time we find that some logs are missing in the ES, while we are able to see them in Kubernetes. Only problems in logs I was able to find, point out

Is it possible to run gcsfuse without privileged mode inside GCP kubernetes?

Following this guide,I am trying to run gcsfuse inside a pod in GKE. Below is the deployment manifest that I am using: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Depl

How can I use Azure Devops Release Pipeline Variables in a Kubernetes CI/CD with Helm?

I'm currently working on setting up a CI/CD pipeline to my client's new Kubernetes clusters that they host on Harbor using Helm and Azure DevOps Server, and I'm

Some files missing when Ubuntu-based image is deployed to newer k8s and Azure, but not with Alpine, or not with onprem older k8s

I work in a large enterprise that mostly deploys Alpine-based images running Java SpringBoot services, to k8s v1.13.12 on prem. We are starting to move to Azure

What is the recommended number of Argo workflow-controller replicas in production? [closed]

In official document, the default replicas of argo-server and workflow-controller is set to 1. Should it be set to 3 in the production environ

kubernetes service load balancer auto change protocol

I create a service which type is loadbalancer, kubernetes create an ELB and listen protocol is tcp 80--->tcp 80, then I modified the ELB by changing the pro

How can I allow port-forwarding for a specific deployment in Kubernetes?

I am trying to allow some users in my org to forward ports to our production namespace in Kubernetes. However, I don't want them to be able to forward ports to

How to get number of pods (available or terminating) in kubernetes?

I need to find the number of pods currently NOT terminated (can be available, terminating, etc.) in order to prevent deployment from starting if there are still

Will BackgroundService play nicely on a Kubernetes cluster

I have a kubernetes cluster into which I'm intending to implement a service in a pod - the service will accept a grpc request, start a long running process but

Kubernetes Dashboard Installation giving x509: certificate signed by unknown authority error

Trying to install kubernetes dashboard in Ubuntu 16.04 resulting in x509: certificate signed by unknown authority error. Kubernetes cluster with a single node

how to pass environment variable in kubectl deployment?

I am setting up the kubernetes setup for django webapp. I am passing environment variable while creating deployment as below kubectl create -f deployment.yml

How to pass kubernetes namespaces dynamically to k8s cronjob

I have a cronjob that cleans some job since my kubernetes is on older version so cannot use ttlafterfinished. How can I fetch the namespaces that have this job

Required value: must specify a volume type when statically provisioning PV

Trying to statically provision a PV with GCP SSD storage. Errors out with the following message: The PersistentVolume "monitoring" is invalid: spec: Required v

How to create a tcp service in traefik 2.2.1

I am trying to create a tcp service like this in kubernetes cluster followed by official docs: apiVersion: kind: TraefikService met

automation alertmanager receivers

Good afternoon, maybe someone came across the automation of filling in receivers in alertmanager from custom pod annotations? I mean, i want alermanager take re

automation alertmanager receivers

Good afternoon, maybe someone came across the automation of filling in receivers in alertmanager from custom pod annotations? I mean, i want alermanager take re

Jaeger with spring boot is not working when both are deployed at kubernetes

I am trying to trace logs of my spring-boot-application with jaeger . Both spring-boot microservice and jaeger are running on kubernetes ( local set-up on docke

Jaeger with spring boot is not working when both are deployed at kubernetes

I am trying to trace logs of my spring-boot-application with jaeger . Both spring-boot microservice and jaeger are running on kubernetes ( local set-up on docke