Category "kubernetes"

How to switch namespace in kubernetes

Say, I have two namespaces k8s-app1 and k8s-app2 I can list all pods from specific namespace using the below command kubectl get pods -n <namespace> W

Kubernetes mountPropagation clarifications

I have a docker image A that contains a folder I need to share with another container B in the same K8s pod. At first I decided to use a shared volume (emptyDir

Kubernetes Operator in Airflow is not sharing the load across nodes. Why?

I have airflow 1.10.5 on a Kubernetes cluster. The DAGs are written with Kubernetes operator so that they can spin pods for each task inside the DAG on executio

Kubectl create multiline secret

I'm trying to put a Service Account into a secret - I did it previously a year ago and it works but now - no matter how I approach it, the application doesn't s

Local persistent Volume 1 node(s) didn't find available persistent volumes to bind

I'm getting started with persistent volumes and k8s. Im trying to use a local folder on my RH7 box w minikube installed. Im getting the error: 0/1 nodes are av

Helm template arithmetic division

Anyone tried to make an arithmetic division in Helm? According to sprig/Math Functions, the following should work: {{ .Values.myvalue | div 2 }} However, t

WaitForFirstConsumer PersistentVolumeClaim waiting for first consumer to be created before binding

I setup a new k8s in a single node, which is tainted. But the PersistentVolume can not be created successfully, when I am trying to create a simple PostgreSQL.

Kafka infinite loop of error "SyncGroup failed: The group began another rebalance. Need to re-join the group. Sent generation was Generation"

I'm having Kafka Consumer group of applications (10 instances) written in Java which uses Spring Cloud Stream. Consumer application is deployed in AWS Kubernete

Spark executor metrics don't reach prometheus sink

Circumstances: I have read through these: ver

count k8s cluster cpu/memory usage with prometheus

I want to count k8s cluster cpu/memory usage (not k8s pod usage) with prometheus, so that i can show in grafana. I use sum (container_memory_usage_bytes{id="/"

Permission denied on Kubernetes InitContainer while running command

I'm trying to add a certificate bundle to an existing certificate bundle file in a container. But I'm getting the error permission denied. I'm aware this is due

Kubernetes: How do I delete PV in the correct manner

The stateful set es-data was failing on our test environment and I was asked to delete corresponding PV. So I deleted the following for es-data: 1) PVC 2) PV T

Is it possible to install curl into busybox in kubernetes pod

I am using busybox to detect my network problem in kubernetes v1.18 pods. I created the busybox like this: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: busybox

no endpoints available for service for kubernetes dashboard

According to following information, kubernetes-dashboard is creaded. I start kubectl prox to access the dashboard [root@master ~]# kubectl create -f https://ra

Can we see transfer progress with kubectl cp?

Is it possible to know the progress of file transfer with kubectl cp for Google Cloud?

While using Harbor create 'New Registry Endpoint' unhealthy issue

While using harbor create 'New Registry Endpoint' unhealthy issue as below: I followed the https cert generation instruction as link:

Combining multiple k8s secrets into an env variable

My k8s namespace contains a Secret which is created at deployment time (by svcat), so the values are not known in advance. apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Op

How to use local docker images with Minikube?

I have several docker images that I want to use with minikube. I don't want to first have to upload and then download the same image instead of just using the l

Kubernetes Persistent Volume Mount not found

I am trying to create and mount a volume but getting stuck. This part creates the storage: apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: pvclai

How to delete all the pods which are in Error/Init/CrashloopBckoff state at one shot

I have tried below command. but this command gets all the pods which are not running for some reason any other way to do this kubectl delete pods -A --field-s