I have currently implemented ArgoCD for my K8's deployment. I installed it as a Non-HA setup. Moving forward, the number of application in ArgoCD will get incre
I am using kubernetes 1.13.2 on bare metals (No Provider). I already have a master and a worker node set up while ago, but now my new worker node cannot join t
Setup: Airflow 2.0.1 with Kubernetes 1.18 and Python 3.8, Kubernetes Client: 18.17.x Pod template file: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: workerPod sp
I installed a Kubernetes cluster of three nodes, the control node looked ok, when I tried to join the other two nodes the status for both of is: Not Ready On co
I am trying to update my pod time to Asia/Kolkata zone as per kubernetes timezone in POD with command and argument. However, the time still remains the same UTC
We have a dozen of services exposed using a ingress-nginx controller in GKE. In order to route the traffic correctly on the same domain name, we need to use a r
I have upgraded the version of quarkus to 2.8.0.CR1 My quarkus apps are using a mix of camel, mutiny, resteasy, mongo, pubsub and it seems to have been reproduc
I want to increase size of post body of each request in Ingress. So I add the nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: 8m in yaml file ingress(in view/ed
I tried using rktlet(https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/rktlet/blob/master/docs/getting-started-guide.md) But when I try to kubelet --cgroup-driver=syst
I installed K8s on my two Ubuntus in VirtualBox (Master and Node01). After installation (I proceeded according K8s doc site) I typed kubectl get nodes and got b
I'm currently getting errors when trying to exec or get logs for my pods on my GKE cluster. $ kubectl logs <POD-NAME> Error from server: Get "https://<
I am using ansible version 2.7 for kubernetes deployment. For sending logs to datadog on kubernetes one of the way is to configure annotations like below, tem
Multi-trust deployment model from istio documentation I want to connect multiple meshes together. I currently manage 3 different AKS clusters Operations (aks-o
I init k8s cluster master with kubeadm, but I felt very confused. The version of kubeadm: # ./kubeadm version kubeadm version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"5
I'm trying to follow GitHub - kubernetes/dashboard: General-purpose web UI for Kubernetes clusters. deploy/access: # export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.c
i'm trying to deploy kafka with strimzi, problem is, its exposing kafka brokers as load balancers and assigning them an external IP. i want kafka brokers to be
I just started to use Rancher and request to correct me for any wrong terminology. Earlier I was using minikube on Macbook which provide SSH easily using miniku
OK I´m new to ASP.NET Core 6 and k8s. So far all apps I was hosting (java, js, python) didn't have any issue. Deployment service and ingress were created
I'm using ZeroSSL account to create ACME certificates. I was able to get EAB credentials from ZeroSSL, which I added to the ClusterIssuer. apiVersion: cert-mana
I am trying to setup minikube in a VM with ubuntu desktop 20.04 LTS installed, using docker driver. I've followed the steps here, and also taken into considerat