Running kubectl logs shows me the stderr/stdout of one Kubernetes container. How can I get the aggregated stderr/stdout of a set of pods, preferably those cr
I have to write a deployment file for my application which takes run time commands and arguments at runtime. e.g. ./foo bar -a=A -b=B This is my deployment file
I want to upgrade my AKS cluster using terraform without or with minimal downtime. What happens to the workloads during the cluster upgrade. Can i do the AKS cl
I reinstalled some nodes and a master. Now on the master I am getting: Sep 15 04:53:58 master kube-apiserver[803]: I0915 04:53:58.413581 803 logs.go:41] h
I am trying to run kubectl virt commands to manage my virtual machine via PHP. First, I log in to my server with phpseclib with the following code: $ssh = new S
I need to create additional cluster in minikube. I searched for a while I haven't got any resource on this.How to create a cluster in minikube?
kubectl describe node docker-for-desktop This gets the IP address of Docker desktop for Windows. But we run it on browser with ip:nodeport it is not working.
I am trying to setup a Local Persistent volume using local storage using WSL. But the pod STATUS stops at Pending. The kubectl describe pod <pod-name> giv
I have a Kubernetes deployment that deploys a Java application based on the anapsix/alpine-java image. There is nothing else running in the container expect for
I'm setting up a Kubernetes engine (cluster-version: "1.11") on GCP with Kubeflow installation script that deploy on "default" network and I setting up a Google
Sorry if this question might sound "convoluted" but here it goes... I'm currently designing a k8s solution based on Firecracker and Kata-containers. I'd like th
My kubernetes PKI expired (API server to be exact) and I can't find a way to renew it. The error I get is May 27 08:43:51 node1 kubelet[8751]: I0527 08:43:51.9
I recently installed kubernetes on VMware and also configured few pods , while configuring those pods , it automatically used IP of the VMware and configured. I
I can sort my Kubernetes pods by name using: kubectl get pods How can I sort them (or other resoures) by age using kubectl?
I have currently implemented ArgoCD for my K8's deployment. I installed it as a Non-HA setup. Moving forward, the number of application in ArgoCD will get incre
I am using kubernetes 1.13.2 on bare metals (No Provider). I already have a master and a worker node set up while ago, but now my new worker node cannot join t
Setup: Airflow 2.0.1 with Kubernetes 1.18 and Python 3.8, Kubernetes Client: 18.17.x Pod template file: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: workerPod sp
I installed a Kubernetes cluster of three nodes, the control node looked ok, when I tried to join the other two nodes the status for both of is: Not Ready On co
I am trying to update my pod time to Asia/Kolkata zone as per kubernetes timezone in POD with command and argument. However, the time still remains the same UTC
We have a dozen of services exposed using a ingress-nginx controller in GKE. In order to route the traffic correctly on the same domain name, we need to use a r