Category "kubernetes"

Kubernetes pod unable to download from npm registry EAI_AGAIN

I have a minikube setup where a container needs to access npm registry when starting up. But the pod can not connect to npm registry. I was under the impression

how to replace or find correct path for kustomize

I have deployment and I want to replace "path" value in liveness probe section. What is correct path for this in kustomize? - patch: |- - op: replace

Cannot execute k8s module

My code in tasks/main.yml. - name: Check Istio services k8s_info: api_version: v1 kind: Service namespace: istio-system But it returns; An ex

How can I check cadvisor which is included in kubelet?

I have multiple kubernetes clusters, whose versions are 1.13, 1.16, 1.19. I'm trying to monitor the total number of threads so that I need the metric "container

Kubernetes ingress timeout annotations not getting applied to the Nginx ingress controller

Edit: Now working. We do not what caused it to not work before. We are trying to set a different timeout for one of our downstream services (location) for our n

Can I use a single elasticsearch/kibana for multiple k8 clusters?

Do you know of any gotcha's or requirements that would not allow using a single ES/kibana as a target for fluentd in multiple k8 clusters? We are engineering r

Condition if or "values" (not "values") in helm

i confuse with condition in helm, i set 2 deployment with 1 deployment create database, 1 deployment create application using range. {{ range $component := .Val

Kubernetes logs dump for some time range

Is it possible to obtain Kubernetes logs for a dedicated time range? All I can do right now is to make a dump of about the last-hour log for the single pod usin

Colima with Kubernetes -> How to change node port range

I am trying to change the port range of services in Kubernetes but I am not getting any success. I've tried a whole bunch of alternatives but most of them trust

Cannot install NVIDIA GPU driver 470.82.01 on the on Google Kubernetes Engine 1.21

I would like to run GPU nodes in a GKE cluster, that requires an installation DaemonSet. According to

GKE Cluster Audit

What are the points to be reviewed while auditing a GKE cluster? We have a production cluster and I would like to what all points need to be reviewed while audi

How to prevent a Cronjob execution in Kubernetes if there is already a job running? concurrencyPolicy:Forbid stops the cron job execution altogether

I need a cron job to run every 5 minutes. If an earlier cron job is still running, another cron job should not start. I tried setting concurrency policy to Forb

kube-proxy fails with CrashLoopBackOff in minikube

I am running k8s using minikube version v1.18.0 on Ubuntu 20. But kube-proxy fails with CrashLoopBackOff status. What could be the issue? I am using 1.18 versio

Unable to connect to gRPC server in Kubernetes cluster, but can connect when I port-forward [Connection refused]

Been stuck on this error for the past few days! I have an HTTP server that is meant to connect with the gRPC server through the client. It works fine on my loca

k6: connect test outputs to influxdb v2 from kubernetes pods

I'm using a Minikube setup for testing. On Minikube I have a App, the InfluxDB v2 and the k6 sample pods to test my App. Now I want to collect the test data in

How to load balance sockets using ingress nginx

In kubernetes I have a deployment of 3 pods in charge of the sockets. I wish to load balance the traffic between the pods of the deployment. To do it, I'm usin

Kubernetes upgrade between versions

So the official documentation states: This page explains how to upgrade a Kubernetes cluster created with kubeadm from version 1.14.x to version 1.15.x, and fr

Kubernetes upgrade between versions

So the official documentation states: This page explains how to upgrade a Kubernetes cluster created with kubeadm from version 1.14.x to version 1.15.x, and fr

Unable to deploy aws-load-balancer-controller on Kubernetes

I am trying to deploy the aws-load-balancer-controller on my Kubernetes cluster on AWS = by following the steps given in

Why in GKE (Private Cluster) the destination only sees Pod IP instead of Node IP

I'm still learning GKE and I have set up a private cluster. The problem I have is that when I send traffic outside the cluster from a Pod (usually by sending an