I am configuring an EKS cluster using terraform in a private subnet and trying to access it using a VPN in a public subnet. When I configured it, it works fine
I am trying to migrate from one sub-domain to another sub-domain and have the following ing resource deployed to the sever apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind:
minikube v1.25.1 on Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language 10.0.19043 Build 19043 MINIKUBE_HOME=C:\os\minikube\Minikube Automatically selected the virtualbo
I deployed a istio to k8s and it works well at first, but after one day, I can't access the app via ingress gateway. Then checked the istio svc status. It shows
I have serious problems with the configuration of Ingress on a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster for an application which expects traffic over TLS. I have config
I deployed a EKS cluster via a IAM user and need to give full cluster permission to other aws sso users. I followed this instruction https://docs.aws.amazon.com
I am trying to route all HTTP traffic to HTTPS. I have a ALB ingress resource and following the guide here https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/aws-alb-ingress-con
Is there a way to fetch a specific argo workflow age in seconds using kubectl command? I've a requirement for comparing the argo workflow age. If the workflow a
I need to copy dump data from pod to local. Below the commands I am trying but I am getting error: unexpected EOF kubectl cp device-database-79fc964c8-q7ncc:tmp
I am searching a kubernetes pod logs for the pattern “variable=value” ( e.g., variable=10 or variable=500) using the command below: Kubectl logs -f
Recently, I tried to setup letsencrypt using microk8s and the default ingress controller on a bare-metal server. I found a few guides online that were very usef
I am using a Openfaas Python3 function with terraform to create bucket in my AWS Account. I am trying it locally and created a local cluster using k3s and insta
When creating a Kubernetes Cluster in Azure Portal (referred to as Kubernetes Service some times), I'm getting an error message during rollout which says that t
i am trying to make a cicd pipeline github->travisci->aws eks everything works fine images are posted to dockerhub and all.but when travis is executing ku
I am trying to deploy the latest docker image apache:superset on Kubernetes. When I deploy the YAML I get below error: [2021-04-29 01:34:10 +0000] [8] [INFO] St
sync sync all resources from state file (repos, releases and chart deps) apply apply all resources from state file only when there are changes sync
I am running spark 3.1.1 on kubernetes 1.19. Once job finishes executor pods get cleaned up but driver pod remains in completed state. How to clean up driver po
my cluster have 3 master node, now I have shutdown 1 master node, then I check the member from etcd database: [root@fat001 bin]# ETCDCTL_API=3 /opt/k8s/bin/etcd
network cant connected between (pod and pod) or (pod and node). enter image description here flannel.1 interface have same mac address: enter image description
It seems that we cannot make the Snowplow container (snowplow/scala-stream-collector-kinesis) use the service account we provide. It always uses the shared-eks-