Category "kubernetes"

Kubernetes AntiAffinity - limit max number of same pods per node

I have a kubernetes cluster with 4 nodes. I have a pod deployed as a deployment, with 8 replicas. When I deployed this, kubernetes sometimes schedule 4 pods in

How to make redis pod auto-delete when list is empty

I want to deploy redis pod which loads a list. Then I will have kubernetes job which will execute bash script with variable taken from that list in redis. How c

Docker in Docker configuration

I am having Jenkins running in K8s and now i am trying to run: docker build as one of the step in Jenkins build. Since Jenkins is running inside Docker, i came

Python Kubernetes Client: equivalent of kubectl get [custom-resource]

With kubectl I can execute the following command: kubectl get serviceentries Then I receive some information back. But serviceentries is a custom resource.

How to pass dynamic arguments to a helm chart that runs a job

I'd like to allow our developers to pass dynamic arguments to a helm template (Kubernetes job). Currently my arguments in the helm template are somewhat static

How to disable the use of a default service account by a statefulset/deployments in kubernetes

I am setting up a namespace for my application that has statefulsets, deployments, and secrets into that namespace. Using RBAC, I am defining specific roles and

How to install AWS Load Balancer Controller in a CDK project

I am trying to write a high-level CDK construct that can be used to deploy Django applications with EKS. I have most of the k8s manifests defined for the applic

NetworkPlugin cni failed to set up pod "xxxxx" network: failed to set bridge addr: "cni0" already has an IP address different from10.x.x.x - Error

I get this error after I start the worker node VMs(Kubernetes) from the AWS console. I am using PKS ( Pivotal Container Service) network for pod "xxxxx": Ne

cannot deploy Cassandra using k8ssandra

I am using the following chart to deploy a Cassandra cluster to my gke cluster. However, the s

minikube tunnel command show an error when add a route

I've installed minikube over VirtualBox in a Windows 10 Home I am trying to run command: minikube tunnel but I get an error: Status: machine: minikube

Kubernetes ingress rules: How to use wildcard and specific subdomain together

I want Ingress to redirect a specific subdomain to one backend and all others to other backend. Basically, I want to define a rule something like the following:

GKE migrate pv to a new cluster whithin the same GCloud project

I would like to move existing PVCs/PVs to a new GKE cluster in the same Google project. Can someone give me a hint how to do this? Thanks in advance!

Data Synchronisation in Blue Green Deployment - Cloud

In a blue green deployment environment, I'm trying to use two separate database for each environment. In this case, How does realtime data synchronisation could

FATA[0004] failed to initialize project: unable to scaffold with "": exit status 2

I am trying to create an operator using operator-sdk. I have installed opeator-sdk on my mac OS. My Environment Details : go version go1.15.12 darwin/amd64 oper

How to configure traefik kubernetes ingress to restrict specific API paths?

I have a microservice which is deployed to Kubernetes and has following REST APIs: /abc /abc/xyz /abc/{path-param}/def The traefik ingress is currently configur

Windows Containers on windows and linux Kubernetes cluster

I'm kind of new to the Kubernetes world. In my project we are planning to use windows containers(.net full framework) in short term and linux containers(.net co

How to get pods actually scheduled on master node

I'm trying to gey pods scheduled on the master node. Succesfully untainted the node kubectl taint node mymasternode

LoadBalancer using Metallb on bare metal RPI cluster not working after installation

I'm fiddling around with my RPI cluster that I've setup using Kubeadm and I want to make LoadBalancers able to work on the cluster. The IPs for the nodes are st

Kubernetes MetalLB External IP not reachable

I can't access to Network IP assigned by MetalLB load Balancer I created a Kubernetes cluster in k3s. Its 1 master and 1 workers. Each one has its own Private

Can you use C# Kubernetes inClusterConfig for a remote Cluster?

I am having trouble authenticating my C# service for a remote cluster. Trying to use my svc gets Forbidden, so I am hoping to work around with this. I know that