Category "kubernetes"

How to configure traefik kubernetes ingress to restrict specific API paths?

I have a microservice which is deployed to Kubernetes and has following REST APIs: /abc /abc/xyz /abc/{path-param}/def The traefik ingress is currently configur

Windows Containers on windows and linux Kubernetes cluster

I'm kind of new to the Kubernetes world. In my project we are planning to use windows containers(.net full framework) in short term and linux containers(.net co

How to get pods actually scheduled on master node

I'm trying to gey pods scheduled on the master node. Succesfully untainted the node kubectl taint node mymasternode

LoadBalancer using Metallb on bare metal RPI cluster not working after installation

I'm fiddling around with my RPI cluster that I've setup using Kubeadm and I want to make LoadBalancers able to work on the cluster. The IPs for the nodes are st

Kubernetes MetalLB External IP not reachable

I can't access to Network IP assigned by MetalLB load Balancer I created a Kubernetes cluster in k3s. Its 1 master and 1 workers. Each one has its own Private

Can you use C# Kubernetes inClusterConfig for a remote Cluster?

I am having trouble authenticating my C# service for a remote cluster. Trying to use my svc gets Forbidden, so I am hoping to work around with this. I know that

minikube ip is not reachable

I have created one service called fleetman-webapp: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: fleetman-webapp spec: selector: app: webapp ports: - n

kubectl - How to edit service spec type to LoadBalancer via command line?

I have a k8s service of type clusterIP.. i need to change the below configuration via CLI the http port to https port the port number the type to Load Balancer

How to configure nginx ingress to use single ingress load balancer for multiple hosts and multiple namespaces

I'm planning to deploy more than 30 apps in 5 namespaces. I will be using existing AWS EKS 1.21 Cluster. All the apps will be requiring external access because

Can't access postgres via service from the postgres container itself

I'm trying to verify that my postgres pod is accessible via the service that I've just set up. As of now, I cannot verify this. What I'm able to do is to log

Received plaintext http traffic on an https channel, closing connection

I have deployed ECK (using helm) on my k8s cluster and i am attempting to install elasticsearch following the docs.

Kubelet service not starting up - KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS (code=exited, status=255)

I am trying to start up the kubelet service on a worker node (the 3rd worker node)... at the moment, I can't quite tell what the error is here.. I do however, s

Multiple services with ALB ingress

I have created EKS cluster with Fargate. I deployed two microservices. Everything is working properly with ingress and two separate application load balancers.

kube proxy servcie dead unexpectly in kubenetes host machine

My pod give me tips: could not resolve I found the kubernete's(v1.15.2) pods connect to kube DNS server failed,and now I found the failed host

How to uninstall rancher manually?

I installed rancher into existing kubernetes cluster from this tutorial, using these commands: helm repo add rancher-latest

How do you add multiple config files to configMap with kustomize configMapGenerator by using a pattern/regex/...?

Currently I do this: configMapGenerator: - name: sql-config-map files: - "someDirectory/one.sql" - "someDirectory/two.sql" - "someDirect

How to easily switch gcloud / kubectl credentials

At work we use Kubernetes hosted in GCP. I also have a side project hosted in my personal GCP account using Google App Engine (deploy using gcloud app deploy).

Pod coredns stuck in ContainerCreating state with Weave on k8s

First of all, let me thank you for this amazing guide. I'm very new to kubernetes and having a guide like this to follow helps a lot when trying to setup my fir

cpu / memory amount not populated in core.v1.Pod.PodSpec

Using the following code: func GetPods(clientset *kubernetes.Clientset, name, namespace string) ([]corev1.Pod, error) { list, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pod

Superset database connection with Teradata error

I am trying to connect TD with superset running in kube. This is code from my Dockerfile: USER root RUN pip install sqlalchemy-teradata RUN pip install