Category "lapply"

R - subscript out of bounds with stringer and grep in lapply function

My goal is to extract strings of digits with fixed length (8 digits) from multiple text files in several folders after matching a certain pattern. I have spent

How do you identify column numbers based on partial string match in a way that can be used with lapply?

I have a df with about 1200 columns and the colnames are related to the response categories (ie. Likert scale identifiers). It is similar in format to the df cr

How to use grep to search for patterns matches within a list of data frames using a second list of character vectors in R

I have two lists in R. One is a list of data frames with rows that contain strings (List 1). The other is a list (of the same length) of characters (List 2). I

How to do sum and filter in rbind function

I am using an R package which extracts data from tables in a database based on the flag for each table. If the flag is 1, extract data from that table. If the f

Bulk downsampling list of wave objects using seewave::resamp

I am trying to downsample a list of wave objects using seewave::resamp. To get my list I have imported a .wav file and split it into 10 second clips following @

How to merge output of lapply iterated function into 1 dataframe? [duplicate]

I have a function responses to process some data that is subset into different data frames. I also have a list of these data frames partylist.

Transform code of two loops ("For") with lapply or sapply

I am learning how to code in R and I have written a piece of code that calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) of various assets at different points in time, give