Category "collections"

Check if one List<String> contains specific string from another list

I have a List<String> emails containing emails, and another List<String> keywords for containing keywords. For each i-th value from keywords, there

Why Concurrent Collector in Java besides using ConcurrentMap does not use some Concurrent List Implementation?

Consider the signature of the concurrentGroupBy: static <T,K> Collector<T,?,ConcurrentMap<K,List<T>>> groupingByConcurrent(Function<

selenium - generic function to enter test data in webpage using nested linkedhashmap - how to handle radio buttons

I am using Selenium with Java in POM based hybrid framework. I am trying to develop a generic function to enter data in the webpage. The function accepts a link

How to put class field into method argument to avoid code repeat

I am currently solving this issue. For example. I have two classes. One for item and second for some kind of records of these items. What I need to do, if I wan

WriteXml - Collection was modified; enumeration operation might not execute

I'm coding in Visual Studio 2019 and I get the following error message: "Collection was modified; enumeration operation might not execute". It happens when I tr

How to iterate over a Triple in Kotlin

I have list of three set of values which are related to each other. i.e. Roll Number, Student Name and School Name. I am using Kotlin Triple to store them. Belo

how to convert nested for loop in stream API for the program [closed]

List<Emp> list = Arrays.asList( new Emp(123, "ABC"), new Emp(123, "BCD"), new Emp(1243, "AUBC"),

Task1:Search for people with their social security number. Task 2: Fetch the list of residents based on their gender

I've created an ArrayList of Residents. Each Residents consists of full name, ssn number and gender. I had to sort the elements by ssn number first and then by

Autmapper map collections of different types to collection of another type with nesting

I am currently struggling with automapper.10.1.1 config. I have following types: class Response { List<Assignment> Assignments { get; } List<Pr

Why should I avoid using the increase assignment operator (+=) to create a collection

The increase assignment operator (+=) is often used in [PowerShell] questions and answers at the StackOverflow site to construct a collection objects, e.g.: $C

hashCode values not same in debugger and output in netbeans 8.2

Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("Naveen", 100); System.out.println("Naveen".hashCode()); /* output (-1968696341)

Can ReSharper generate equality members that correctly compare Collection members?

Say you have a class with members that are collections, such as. public class Forest { public IImmutableList<Tree> Trees { get; } . . . } When

Magento 2 product collection sorting is not working (I am doing with custom attribute)

This is my code $_productCollection = $block->getLoadedProductCollection()->addAttributeToSort('article_position', 'DESC'); echo '<pre>'; print_r(

Odd number Sequence Replaced by Count

I am working on java Program here is program Question: Consider Java Program. It reads integers from the standard input (until it gets a negative number) and

Trying to find "magic combinations" in MongoDB

I have two MongoDB collections in a database named "records". Here's a sample document from the first collection: course_completions { "_id" : NumberInt(1

How to convert a carbon into string, to take the date only?

i have an collection like this 0 => array:4 [ "so" => "SO-1" "product_name" => "EXTREME FORTE - BP" "created_at" => Carbon @1527481346 {#628

Custom sort order on a Spark dataframe/dataset

I have a web service built around Spark that, based on a JSON request, builds a series of dataframe/dataset operations. These operations involve multiple joins,

Find an object with certain private value in a java Collection

I am currently coding a game that uses an 8x8 grid. I have to stock a domino (2x1 size) in the grid for every player but when a player wants to add a Domino to

How to add an entry with an Integer value into Map<String, ?>

I have to place an integer value into the map below. Map<String,?> map map.put("key",2000); When I run the above code I'm getting the following error: in

How to skip an item in nested map based on When()

I want iterate over items's data and create a a new list of SomeData based on item.type however when type is UNKNOWN I need skip that element and not add to lis