Category "laravel-8"

Anchor in Blade Template Not Working laravel

I'm trying to figure out what the problem is. So, I use laravel blade templating for navbar section and I want to add route to my anchor (A href tag). After I p

Laravel 8 - inertia-jetstream-fortify, redirect to a particular URL before login (i.e. On hit of main URL

I have a Single sign-in laravel application which is, say for example app-A. And my main application app-B. Now, whenever a user visits, I want th

How to update the timeout field in the attendance table for a given user_id, logdate and status using if else statement?

I have been trying to update the timeout for a given user_id, logdate, and status but my update statement is not working or may be my other if else are not corr

Using spatie(laravel-permission) in Laravel 8

When Assigning permission for a role using seeder, in permissions table it will take guard_name as "web", but when adding permission through CRUD, it will take

How to send images to Stripe Checkout Session in Laravel 8

I am having issues trying to send images using Stripe Checkout Session, I am using Laravel 8, with the Backpack Admin panel plugin. I am using Stripe's prebuilt

laravel livewire pre selected multiple checkbox get and update value

Basically, I am trying to make a multistep form like google forms and using livewire. By saving each single page data on next click. on some page, I am trying t

Symfony process run throws exception - executing on command line works

I have an issue with generating PDF files using LaTeX. The solution is created with the Laravel framework (version 8). I installed a new "Windows 2019 Datacente

Laravel Livewire pagination with bootstrap links not displaying

I'm using Laravel Livewire with bootstrap 4. I'm trying to use pagination but the links aren't displaying at the bottom of the table. I don't think the issue is

Run existing Laravel project with sail

I have an existing Laravel project which I created with the following command. curl -s | bash The project was created success

Laravel get rows with created_at not older than 24 hours

I need to get all the rows on my database that meet some criteria. One those criteria is to not be older than 24 hours. I've been trying different solutions pos

Best way to shorten store method in controller

I'm trying to shorten my controller code, and I want to know the conventions to use with Laravel while validating and storing. Controller public function store(

Laravel validation only allow one value for each field

I currently have a validation for sortField but I checked this accepts /api/request?sortField='date'&sortField='time' and I want it to only accept one value

POST failed via Postman API to Laravel migrations database

GET is working, but POST does not. This is because it fails via Postman API to the Laravel migrations database. function add_user(Request $request) { $user

Why config cache not working on my shared hosting in Laravel 8

I uploaded my laravel site in shared hosting, my site is working well in localhost, but the CSS is not working on the server. I want to clear cache but not run

How to have superuser on laravel 8 UI [closed]

We have build a user auth with laravel UI by having accounts -> users structure. Now we want to have a superuser, that can see all data fro

How to install bootstrap in laravel 8

All of the info I can find online says that you should install bootstrap by running composer require laravel/ui and then php artisan ui boostrap. However, in La

Why are some Tailwind classes not having effect in JetStream?

Some classes like text-green-500, rounded are having effect and the styling is updated. Ohter classes, like bg-black, don't have any effect on the styling. I am

Laravel Migrate Specific File(s) from Migrations

Hi read all the included documentation here in Is there a way on how to migrate a certain migration file (1 migration

Laravel IOC Binding Question - getting 500 error

I keep gettings a 500 errors, appdebug = true, but it doesn't show me exactly what the problem is. It logs all other 500 just fine. I can make the 500 errors go

passing parameters in form using laravel8 route

<form action="{{route('products.update',$products->id)}}" method="post"> this code make this error: Property [id] does not exist on this collection in