Category "laravel-8"

Laravel inertia link with id

Hello I am beginner in using inertia and laravel, I want to pass an id from the web.php routes of my laravel and i receive error. Here is my web.php: Route::get

PayPal subscription PHP Laravel

I create a plan and everything is correct, I enter the PayPal platform and pay and everything is fine, it redirects me to my website and everything is correct s

Can't save data to database from input form - Laravel 8

it's me again. I have a problem saving data to the database from the input form that I made. Here is my web route: Route::get('/admin/data-karyawan', [BasicKary

Installing Font Awesome with Tailwind in Laravel 8

I'm trying to add Font Awesome to newly installed Laravel 8 Jetstream with Inertia but receiving the following error Unknown error from PostCSS plugin. Your cur

Laravel 8: Array to string conversion while calling route:list

I have a resource controller which is ArticleController and I want to call this controller in web.php, so I coded: use App\Http\Controllers\Admin\PanelControlle

I can't add Vue page transition with inertia js in vue js

The transition Does not work in inertia page . if add appLayout between transition tag . its working . but all content gives transition. Dashboard.vue <templ

need alpine.js :value to be used just in calculation not to override default html value

so im working with laravel 8 and using alpine.js to create value for readonly field that will on submit be processed with the form in store method.I did this su

Laravel Gates using model and returns "Using $this when not in object context" Line 28 of AzureUser model

Im trying to create a Gate in Laravel. The idea is to check if one of the roles is present on an AzureAD access token. So far I have this Gate::define('admin_cm

Laravel 8: Attempt to read property "id" on null

I am facing this error 'Attempt to read property "id" on null' in Laravel 8. It was working fine before but in my view I changed $user->id to $user->profi