Hi I'm using unisharp laravel-filemanager for user to upload their products photos when the image uploaded this address will save in database /photos/44/606074
Good day. I'm having a hard time solving how to pass an id from a table (Region table) and use that id as a reference (idParent) for the table (Province table)
i have created a profile where users can add their education fields. when there is no value in the database it throws an error. how can i get rid of this ? Atte
I am trying to import a CSS file into one of my Laravel views but it's not being included for some reason. This is is what I have in my view file: @extends('lay
How can I pass the list to the component variable? I tried to add elements of a list in @php tags like this , for now,, in the future, I will fetch this list fr
I am new to laravel and php. I have this code in one of my controllers: $group_by_precedence = array("true", "false"); And this code in the view: @foreach ($gr
I'm passing variables into the blade from controller. This is my code from controller: $offerConditionsData = Offercondition::where('offerId', $id)->where('
I don't want to leave blank spaces or leave only the minimum possible in pdf. I noticed that the tag is only inserted on the page when all its content fits on t
I am new in blade template. How i comment here? PHP i can comment like this <?php // echo $games;?> Laravel Blade {{ $game }}
I'm setting up my laravel application and every time I run php artisan serve, it starts a laravel development serve at localhost:8000. Bu when i open the locaho
I'm trying to print {{$day->date}} in a view. Instead of full date YYYY-MM-DD the property only returns year YYYY. Can anyone explain me why it is working li
I have been working on a Laravel project and was able to implement the code completion from the IDE Helper. What I am trying to find is a way to customize the c
I've been trying to get a contact form to display as /contact when using the form, and after submitting the form. I'm getting Error 419 no matter what I seem to
My image file path is public/img/stuvi-logo.png and my app.blade.php file path is resources/views/app.blade.php Inside of my app.blade.php file I use {{HTML::im
I just started learning Laravel, Installed Laravel 7.6.2, and PHP 7.4.4 Without modifying a single line of code in the entire Laravel project, I try to open the
Consider the following, in a blade template: <template x-for="(product, index) in getProducts()" :key="index"> <li class="flex items-center px-1 py