I have a Laravel application which can be accessed from multiple clients all of which have their own domain (eg myclient.com). In addition, there is a core clie
I am using Laravel 8 with Fortify. I saved user's emails and passwords into the database and I'm not going to use registration. Every time users log in, I need
I have a Single sign-in laravel application which is, say for example app-A. And my main application app-B. Now, whenever a user visits www.aap-B.com, I want th
I have ecommerce laravel application. Laravel Framework 8.83.8 PHP v8.0.1 I have done php artisan config:cache php artisan route:cache php artisan view:cache
I'm using Fortify in my Laravel 8 application that's used as an API backend to a Nuxt front-end. When a user logs in, and their log in is successful; I'd like t
I tried following these steps to no avail https://stackoverflow.com/a/64299968/7309037 I have a User Table with the column name "EmailAddress" but Laravel is lo
I am implementing the forgot password / password reset logic with Laravel 8 and Fortify for an SPA application. When the /reset-password is called and if the da