Category "layout"

Vuetify adaptative grid layout from item list

I have what seems to be a very common issue, but I can get over it. I have an API query that returns me a list of object. I want to display it my page as a grid

Modify textview of parent layout from adapter xamarin android

Sorry, I'm using google translate. Hello, I am developing an application in xamarin android with visual studio 2017 to take requests where I send information fr

Toggling components depending of the current path in Nuxt

My layouts/default.vue looks like this: <template> <v-app style="background-color: transparent; color: unset"> <v-main> <ActHea

Flutter, Flow inside Align does not respond to the alignment rules

I am trying to use the Flow widget of Flutter, aligned to the top-right of the screen, and translating towards left. I tried using Stack + Positioned, I tried u

SwiftUI view layouts with frame maxHeight and .infinity

How to layout views in SwiftUI in such way I have input fields that I want to stretch to fill available space This inputs are placed in VStack in such way th

the play button slides down when zooming in

normal scale zoomed in the play button slides down when zooming in, but the other elements remain in their places. I've been trying to figure out how to fix it

Android Studio Chipmunk issue with Orientation for Preview

I have been using AS-Bumblebee for a couple of months with a new project. Recently I started adding landscape pages to the App. Clicking the Orientation for Pre

ScrollingView editable in height Xamarin.ios

I have been trying to create a ScrollingView on Xamarin.ios for several days now which shrinks and enlarges when I establish it, showing a larger scrollable par

Renaming layout tab autocad c# .net

the following code is intended to rename the layout tabs in autocad. It renames always the first 2 layout tabs. When I add more tabs before running the program

Vue Dynamic Layouts mounting router-view component twice

I setup my Vue project to use dynamic layouts - that is, layouts that persist from page to page, assuming the layout for the new page is the same as the last pa

Custom Image Slider Android studio?

Style Slider Corner radius Layout is getting scattered on corner radius so i have no idea about it if any one help ! xml File <com.smarteist

How do I get a Unity Scroll Rect to scroll to the bottom after the content's Rect Transform is updated by a Content Size Fitter?

I have a vertical scroll view that I want to add content to dynamically. In order to do this I've attached a Content Size Fitter component and a Vertical Layout

Layouting a small table with HTML and CSS

I'm very novice to HTML and CSS and have not yet "gotten it" how it all works. I am trying to achieve a table made of two rows, in which the first row only has

Android Surfaces Look alike Layout in pre-Lollipop

I am trying to design a layout in Android but I don't even know how to call it. It is somewhat similar to Android Surfaces I would say, but actually the old Goo

How to position a callout/speech bubble box inline

I am using this CSS speech-bubble generator to make a callout box on the righthand side of a page (with the speech/callout triangle on the left side of the box)

How to include a portrait layout in a landscape layout?

I have designed the perfect portrait layout. I'd like to include is as a part of the landscape version (see attachment). There is no extra functionality, so

TabBarView within Scrollable Page

I am having real trouble getting a layout to work within Flutter. The layout I am trying to create: A ListView that contains a: A Container. A TabBar. A TabBarV

ImageView on a GridView

I have a GridView: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height=

Minimal input width growing with value

I have a form in react app which has labels on the left side inputs for values + units on the right side All elements uses display:flex by default. I need the

How to make layout with rounded corners..?

How can I make a layout with rounded corners? I want to apply rounded corners to my LinearLayout.